Chapter 4 • Curse of the Seal | Reincarnated From Vanity

Start from the beginning

"Uh um... For-give me dra-gon-sa-, Dra-gon-sa-ma. I do-n't e-ven know whe-re I'm"

"I suppose the Gods finnally replaced the old retainer..."
"You there!!!"

"Waa! Ye- Ye- Yes"

Then the dragon rouse it's throat high above, flexing it's long neck before opening its jaws wide before where I stand.

And... It blasted an a blazing inferno upfront.
The whole affair of being a live kebab was momentary.
Such heat was hellsome.
Tingling heat that felt as pure pain of being scorched.
The impression of my innards cooked from the inside out was unpleasent.
I felt my very self painfully unravel to ash.
I died... In a dream.

That was certainly was an unenjoyable experience.
But knowing that it seems I had an unlucky streak.
I had once again appeared before the dragon, within the same room, and revelating to the same conclusion, another... painful... death.

There I was for the second time, before the very creature.
I had a form of a little girl again it seems, and above me was it's large trunk-like foot.

My next prevalence?

Death by pulverisation.

The sensation of suddenly touching in contact with the cold stone floor in contrast with my warm blood.
The sharp pain of many bones snaped and obliviated.
I felt the force of supposedly 5 tons suddenly pressured above me.
Facing it's cold crimson eyes one more time before letting my breath subside.

Such above was just a mere instance of many encounter
I grew even more tired and warely
Until was it the 18th time, it decided to stop...
Questionable though not that I cared much then

It was this interesting occurrence

Again was I there along with it, as I had come to very well known about this looping procedure.
I come; I die, simple.

Over and over untill it somewhat reached satisfaction or succumb to boredom.
And till that time might I have been said to losted my will and quite possibly sanity along with it.
And should also I point out that my image began to degrade as seen arriving beneath my eye, the appearance of dark circles began to accumulate.


I was tired of dying... Whilst I drop flat at the cobblestone floor.
I thought that it was enough, hopeless indeed.
I don't even know what to feel.
Intense emotions of anger, regret, sorrow and even madness.
When one is in unparreled hopeless suffering; at the very brick of the cliff.
Many many unfortunate souls had lean the wrong side...

Endorsing the cold dampness as it drives through my inner bring
Waiting as for my next catastrophe demise to come,
I closed my eyes as I rather not see the traumatic horrors,
As such that only other senses are stimulated.

The sensation of being tossed 15 meters above alike a rag doll,
the sudden tingling rush of blood oozing out as innards impaled,
and at times the slight itch of separation from one's head and body;
in which I absolutely loathe partly which because to eventually my head was to thump the hard stone floor.

That and all simply didn't arrive to that reality.

Awaiting or better yet anticipating it's next decision I even tightly shut my eyes...

Nothing happened...

Well,... it was not like I was not to make any move, instead I gripped on to my own nerves.
It was an eventuallity that I did.
After awhile what it appeared that I'd stayed put least 40 mins.
Too late for the drama on this one I supposed.

Alas I unshut my eyes, bewildered by my next encounter
Was it all over? But I can still feel the ague, drizzly floor.
Or better yet, is he gone?

The sight was substantially drab and darkened, a bit of fog I suppose... covering the beast former mentioned.
This except without the heavy feeling before
This omnious feeling, the crammed and unsettling kind.

I tried to get up, my left arm desperately trying to support my body; still aghast from prior trauma.
It's a strange reaction that, to experience your own body there without it responding.
Right elbow now then, upholding me before I finally could glanced at the dragon.

It faced toward me, and such our eyes locked together...
The little me faced the large dragon eye to eye.
As one could see this from the sidelines,
It was... somewhat comparable to famous Median C. Cooper's
"Kong : Skull Island"
We both stared one another, even for aboutwhole thirty minutes.
Whilst I was in trance-like notion, I began to notice a few things...
It was resembling me; imitating me in a sense, the blinking of an eye, tilting of heads, and even down to our own breaths are aligned.
As if it synchronized itself to my own

tis it finnally spoke.
Breaking silence

"Dysro Eurylas"

Hmm? I wondered, before strength had left my shoulder and I was led unconscious... Again...

J. J. Kusuma

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