Chapter 5!

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CHAPTER 5 IS UP!! WHOOO! I know, it was a long timecoming, but hey. It's up now (: So I decided to try out for the Watty Awards! :D I'll do my best to make you guys proud! (': promise ! Anyways, this chapter is from the POV of the Queen! and there is some of my Elven language in this chapter. so lateron I'll post a pronunciation page thing. and yea. enjoy ^.^


Chapter 5:

"Alquay! Alquay, my Queen!" I looked up from my midmorning meal, an icy glare on my face. I watched my maid scurry quickly over the marble tile to me and kneel beside the food laden table.

"And what is the cause of the disruption of my meal?" I asked, looking disdainfully down on my handmaid, who was knelt by my knees. My handmaid was a lucky servant. She had managed to acquire the job of attending to me. She went where I went. Mending my dresses, tighten my corsets. Those, plus many other things, were among the list of jobs she did for me. Bringing me news and disrupting meals was also on the list.

A slight frown creased my face as I observed her plain cotton clothing, edged with cheap linen lace. I silently wished she wore pretty things to look at. Her name rang through my mind. Elicy.

She glanced up at my face quickly, then looked away. "The Exilation is ready, my Queen. Everything has been set. The prisoners await their trail. The celebrations are also ready to begin. Nobles, pages, soldiers and commoners alike are entering the arena as I speak. Guards are patrolling the arena, as you ordered. If you are finished, your robes are ready for you." I nodded sharply, dismissing her. I turned my attention back to the meal that was before me and vaguely saw my maid scuttle away quietly. My hand hovered over the platter overflowed with fruits. Seasonal and unseasonal fruits were piled on this plate. All were meant for me for my choosing. I looked over the display and plucked a grape from the platter, popping it into my mouth. I crunched down on it. Exploding, the flavours spread through my mouth.

Daintily, I grabbed the cloth napkin from my lap and dabbed my mouth. The chair scuffed the floor as I pushed it away from table. Gathering my skirts, I stood up from the chair. Not looking back, I walked hurriedly to my chambers. The various maids and servants I passed always paused, turned in my direction and bowed. I saw them, yet I never acknowledged them. I had no need to. I was the Queen after all.

Once I reached my chambers, I pushed open the doors and padded over to where my robe and dress were waiting for me. The dress was red and black, with golden thread and bows. The cape was a simple black silk with a red piece of stiff fabric that would stand up behind my head. I quickly donned the dress. Elicy was already there, pulling the corset tight around my torso. Next I draped the cape around my shoulders and clasped it to my dress. It now flowed down behind my shoulders without hindering the movement of my arms.

I sat down on a stool while my maid steadily worked with my hair, pulling it into a intricate bun on top of my head. Curls of raven hair fell on either side of my face, framing it perfectly. Elicy then started applying the jewels around my eyes. She then dashed away to retrieve my crown. In no time she had returned with it laying tenderly on a pillow. I tentatively picked it up and held it up to my head. Looking in the mirror, I placed it down gingerly. I positioned it so it sat close to where the bun was. The light danced off the silver and diamonds. Colourful patterns splayed across the room.

I stood up carefully from my perch and smoothed the front of my dress. Observing myself in the mirror, I made sure that no flaws were seen. Gold ribbon crisscrossed elegantly across my chest and down to where the corset met the skirt, into which the ribbon flowed into a tidy bow. The golden threads along the bottom of the skirt danced playfully on the red of the fabric as I moved. The exquisite patterns were delightful. The sleeves cut off at my elbows, but the backside fell down to the floor in a graceful waterfall like fashion. Shinning gold lined the inside of the sleeve, while the back was the same red as the skirt. Black edged the whole thing. The cape flowed flawlessly down my back and dragged gracefully behind me. The red hood behind my neck stood up, elegantly framing my head.

EXILE on hold! sorry :(Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz