"Here's ah toothbrush ." He passed me a packaged toothbrush

"Thanks." I smiled

"So.....tell me, wah' really happened ?" He said. "Yhu and Taylor have somethin'? Behind dat chick? What's her name? Iva, yeah Iva."

"No. Wah . No. Never." I said. "Taylor is ah rapist." I said shaking my head eating my food

"So he raped yhu." He said

"He tried ta'." I said. "I hit him wit' ma lamp and ran away."

"No wonder," He said once the door knob twisted once again. Ugh really I'm kinda trynna talk to the new boy here. Give me a lil space.

Oh- oh ok. Maybe I also needed to see my girls. Who were the ones that walked in. "Ohh I uhh Imma bounce out." He said

"Thanks once again," I said finishing off the food and placing the fork on the plate as he grabbed it and walked out.

I stood at the girls and shook my head, at their thoughts. I already knew they'd be thinking wrong. Something boutta come out of Trins mouf.

"Girllllll." She said seating on the bed. "Please tell me his yo jump off ."

"Girl no." I responded to her nasty thoughts. "He ain't ma sex partner, yhu dirty mind." I said as she laughed so hard dat she couldn't catch a breath.

We let her do her thing. Which kinda ends making her look stupid af.

"Girl we're sorry we weren't dere ta' help," Jordan sat on the bed, ignoring Trin who went on laughing. This girl.

"It's ok, I'm ok, We're all ok." I said. "At least I'm out of dat house."

"Did he touch yhu?" Immy questioned, how did they know?

"He did buh he ain't manage ta' do wah he wanted ta' do," I said. "But y'all, I'm gon' shower now..." I got up wit' da blanket wrapped around ma body before rememberin' somethin'.

"Quick question," I said. "Do any of y'all have spare underwear?"

"Oh I do, in ma bag," Lex said. "It's new." She said giving it to me as I wink at her walking into his bathroom. Lexis is always extra.

I turned on the tap and placed the sheets to the side and turned on the shower rapidly getting in. The warmth of the water was exciting but at the same time sore. My body could take it.

Cause it's warm water.

10 minutes passed. I got out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around my body, and wiped my self. There was a coco butter Vaseline lotion seating on the mirror table.

I applied it on my body, before dressing into the cloth he had offered me to dress into. "Ughhhh." I sighed before grabbing the blanket and walking out. Wow. They have disappeared.

"Where did they go." I scoffed walking out the room. A dark silent hallway.

No sound no movement. But light from a Distance. Which I'm guessing is the way to the stairs. There was a basin that I threw my blanket in and walked down the hallway, than the voices which I'm guessing that came from everyone one else. Laughed on once my feet reached the first top stair.

The voices didn't really sound real. It sounded like it came from tv. Well yes, it did so.

Everyone was enjoying a movie. Some on the couches and others on the floor. It was a matter of couples and the singles. Immy and Trin we're together, and the'uncuffed niggas' - also say in their corners. I guess I don't need to mention names.

Or do I.

"Loyalty," My thoughts got distracted once, Mal got up and headed towards me, the attention switched over to me. "I'm glad yo' ok," He gently pulled me into his arms

"Hey guys," My cracked voice managed to say after the hug, heading towards err'one else.

"Do yhu still want help wit da thang or?" Tay questioned as I looked at myself.

"Meh It's fine," I said as he shook his head.

"So Royalty," Trin pulled me down onto the chair. "Yhu kno' yo' classified as homeless right?"

"Yeah , where will yhu be stayin'. I mean I would love it if yhu come in my home but yo' mother kno's where we all stay," Jordan said

"Ah mean, she don't kno' here." Trace smirked. These girls are so mysterious. I swear they'll always up to something.

"She doesn't have ta' go," Tay said. "But its's only up ta' her."

"I'll be delighted ta' stay here wit' yhu," I said

"Nawwwww Royaltyyyyy." Jordan smirked winking as I rolled my eyes at her.

These girls are always up to something.
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