-back with the class-

"Ugh!! I'm so bored!!!!" I rolled around.
"We only got a few more hours left" Kayano giggles.
"{y/n} you should rest, you body needs too" Karasuma said while walking to me.
"Ehh?! But I'm not tired" I pouted
"Stop being so childish" Karma said as he pokes my forehead
"Grrr" I glare at him as he smirks
"{Y/n}" Karasuma said and nods his head
Welp I guess it's my time "Hm" I nod my head and walk with him to the front in a small section. 

There was a laptop, and on the screen it was the Commander of the Ministry of Defense.

"Hello {y/n}" he nods and I do the same
"Commander" I nod back
"Karasuma had told me a little about your situation and I was wondering is you could show me?" He was talking kindly for some reason?
"Sure thing" I nod and a glass of water was set in front of me. 

I moved my hand a little to the glass and gracefully I moved my hands up as a big blob of water lifted from the glass, I moved my hand into a Figure 8 motion in the air and the water followed as it just stood as a whole Figure 8 without breaking.

I looked up to see him with wide eyes in amazement. I don't like that look...

"Amazing! How long could you know you could do this?"
"It started happening after a few dosage of the drug and ever since then it just keeps getting stronger" I layer my hand flat and blew softly into it towards the water; it seems as my breathe was fog as it came out and it froze the water instantly.

"Is there a way for you guys to send out a cure?" I asked frantically
"A cure? This is amazing! Instead of that how about I send out a larger dosage?" He told someone that and they ran off
"Excuse me?" I looked at him like he was crazy
"Listen, with you having these weird powers like that it'll be easier for you to defeat that octopus" he grew happy?

Are you kidding me!?! This bastard didn't care for my safety at all! I'm just his human Guinea pig!!

I grew angry as I heard him speak.

"I am not going to be a human guinea pig for the military! I didn't sign up for that!" I slammed my hand on the table
"I understand that child but think of the possibilities. Think about saving the world." He's trying to convince me that this is a good thing?!
"Then what about the other kids huh? Why don't they get this drug?!" I glared at him
"Well um how to put this, we have swore that we won't touch them." Are you kidding me?!

"Really?! Are you kidding me! First you guys kidnapped me from my own home and country, then you force me to come to a foreign land I have no idea how to adapt too, then you start giving me a drug, that I didn't sign up for, and it starts to change me into God's knows what, now when I'm asking for a request you are denying it because I'm not like the other kid!" I can feel my anger boil up.

"Don't think of it like that! You are special to us." He smiled slightly

That's it!

I can feel my eyes changed color "I am not your human guinea pig! You hear me you old man! I am NOT going to be another human experiment gone wrong....I'm not gonna turn into another Koro-Sensei..." I whispered the last part.

Karasuma heard it and looked at me.

"You know what Commander?" I stuck up the middle finger "Fuck you" I closed the laptop and stormed away.

Who the hell does he think he is?! He's practically saying that I'm not like the other kids...screw him!!

I stormed off into a corner. My eyes still red because of how mad I am.

"Should we do something?" Kayano asked
"No let her cool down" Karma suggest as Rio nods.

I went to the corner and grabbed a paper and pen. I looked out towards the class and began to draw, it always calmed me down back at home. So I drew the class in a cartoon type of look and I started to relax.

After about an hour I fell asleep.

-3rd POV-

Kayano, Nagisa, And Karma saw that {y/n} fell asleep, so they thought that this was the perfect time to go to her since she's calmer.

As they sat next to her they saw the drawing she did.

"Wow! This is amazing!!" Kayano said amazed. 
"Yea I love how she made us look" Nagisa pointed to him.
"Not bad" Karma nods.

Kayano decided to put her head on her lap, and Nagisa put his head on her shoulder and Karma made {y/n} lean herself up against him as his arm is around her.

And with that they fell asleep for the remaining hours.


As the helicopter landed near the school, they left from there.

"Aw man I can't wait to go in my bed" Rio said while stretching.
"Yea That was uncomfortable" Megu and Hinata both said. 

"Get home safely everyone" Karasuma said while carrying {y/n} as she slept.

Everyone left to go home, so did he.

As he was driving all he could think about was the conversation that her and the commander had.

"He was way to harsh to her.." he slightly looked at her and saw her clenching to the scarf.

As they reached home he put her in her bed and shut off the light. He stared at her and thought about what she said.

"What did you mean 'Another Koro-Sensei'..." he sighed and closed the door and left her to sleep as he got some too.

The Assassination Classroom is real?!  (Various x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя