Cuddle Buddy

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We had just finished dinner and are back at Aus and Marn's flat. "Who's down for some nhl 18?" Mitch shouts. Aus, Zach, and Freddie race to the couch for the controllers.

"I'm gonna sit out for this one." Will speaks.

"Me too." I say.

"Mitch play me." Zach shouts at him.

"It's on!"

Will motions for me to go sit beside him on the other couch. "Willie." I tease I chuckle as I hear him groan lowly. He gets up off the couch and walks towards the kitchen.

"Wait no Will. Come back." I say quickly. He turns around with a smirk plastered on his face. "I knew you couldn't resist me." I roll my eyes.

"I'm kidding. Gonna get a drink. Come with?" He asks. And I nod.

"Fetch me a water you Swede." I say.

I follow the Swede into the kitchen and catch the water bottle he throws at me.

"Nice catch."

"Thanks." I smile.

"How you holding up?" Will asks as he pops off the lid on his beer bottle.

"Huh?" I ask confused as I open my water.

"Mitch told us what happened."

"Oh." I reply.

"We don't have to talk about it." Will says.

"There isn't much to talk about. I'm sure you heard all the drama about Dylan and Mitchell." I sigh.

"Both of them deserved what came their way. You don't need them. You have us now." Will smiles.

"Thanks Will." I say.

Will follows me back out to the living room where the boys are engrossed in their video game.

"Can you get me a drink Will?" Aus whines.

"No." Will replies as he flops down on the couch. Auston looks at me and shoots me an innocent look.

"Nope." I say and Will laughs giving me a high five.

"I'm getting pretty bored." Will states.

"Wanna do something?" I ask. Will nods. I motion him to follow me and he does so.

"Let's just chill in here. Are you staying here for the night?"

"Yea. Mitch insisted since the dorm isn't safe apparently." I say.

"He's just worried." Will tells me.

"Gosh, he's like the brother I never had." I groan.

"I thought you've always wanted an older brother." He quirks his eyebrow.

"I mean I have an older brother, Collin. He can be an ass sometimes. But I mean I guess it's nice to have someone to go to since it seems like i've lost all my friends." I frown.

"Hey, you've got all of us." Will chirps.

"Oh how wonderful." I say sarcastically.

"Wow I am offended. We aren't that bad."

"You're alright. But y'all can be a handful." I explain.

"Does that mean i'm your favourite?" Will asks with hopeful eyes. That's when I realize how blue his eyes actually are. Geez.

"You can stop checking me out now." Will chuckles, as I blush in embarrassment.

"Was not." I defend.

"Whatever. You didn't answer my question."

"I think i'm more of a JVR fan." I smirk causing Will to scoff.

"Guess i'll have to change your mind."


"Shhh you'll wake them up!" I hear a voice. Probably Mitch, it's irritating.

My eyes flutter open and I am met with a phone in my face. I whip it out of the person's hands. "No my phone! What did you do that for?" Mitch whines, frantically going to retrieve his phone and inspecting it.

"That's what happens when you stick a phone in someone's face while they're sleeping." I yell at him. I feel something shuffle beside me and I realize there was a body beside me this entire time. The person releases their arm which was snaked around me. I turned to see Will looking cuddly af. Wow. We must have fallen asleep on the bed together.

"Sorry about Mitch. But uh, we gotta get to class guys." Auston tells us. "Oh shit. What time is it?" I ask.

"8:00. So hurry the fuck up bitches!" Mitch shouts.

"Fuck you." I mutter causing Will to laugh.

"The other boys left last night so I guess we can give you a lift Will." Aus offers.

"Thanks man." Will says as Aus leaves the guest room.

"Morning." Will says in his raspy morning voice, and I swear I could melt listening to him talk all day. I turn around to face him not realizing how bad of a move it was since Will and I are so close. I feel my cheeks heat up. Will didn't seem to mind that I was practically invading is personal space. "Morning." I smile, and I swear I see his eyes twinkle.

"We should get up." he says and I agree. He doesn't move so I push him off the bed surprisingly considering how much heavier he is than me. He falls on the floor with a thump and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh my gosh, i'm sorry." I say in between breaths.

"You think you're so funny huh?" He asks before getting up and chasing me. I make it to the bathroom quickly and lock the door giggling.

"You little shit!" he says from behind the door.

"Hey! Who you calling a little shit?" I hear Mitch yell. "That's my sister you're talking about!!" Mitch continues to shout.

"You guys aren't even related!" Will laughs.

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