Farewell Frenchies

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Caelyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone's phone. I groan, and roll over to reach for my phone as I realize its not my phone. Two arms pull me in their body, and I turn to see Dylan half awake. "Morning." he mumbles into my neck. "Pick up your phone Dyl. It's annoying." I whine. He groans and reaches behind him and answers the call. "Hello? Ya sure, let me ask." Dylan looks over to me "The boys wanna get some brunch, you in?" I nod. "We're in. See ya!" he says into the phone. Dylan places his phone back down before snaking his arms around my waist again. "As comfortable this is, we need to get ready." I whine, snuggling into his chest causing him to chuckle. "Did we do anything last night?" I ask realizing i'm only wearing a t-shirt. He shakes his head. "I brought you home because you were getting out of hand, and then I forced you to change into something comfortable." he explains. "I thought I was supposed to take you home." I tease. He mumbles something inaudible and I shake it off. I pull off the covers and head to my bathroom to shower. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. You can shower in the guest room if you need to." "That would be nice." He brings his stuff with him and I lead him to the guest room. "Thanks." he smiles. Stop staring Caelyn, you're creeping him out. I run back to my room and pick out some clothes before heading into the shower.

After showering, I walk back to my room where Dylan is sprawled out on my bed on his phone. "Want me to leave?" he asks seeing me walk in gripping my towel tightly around my naked body. I nod and he makes his way out. I quickly change into a quarter zip and leggings before doing my makeup and letting my hair air dry. "Are your parents home?" Dylan walks in. "They're away on business." I respond. "You don't need makeup." I roll my eyes and push him out. "Not lying." he yells from behind the door causing me to blush. I only apply mascara and wing my eyeliner. I walk out of my bathroom, grab my phone and head downstairs where Dylan is already waiting. "Girls." he mumbles and I shove him into the wall. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I challenge punching him playfully. He grabs my waist and hoists me over his shoulder. "Dylan put me down, i'm gonna break your shoulder and you won't be able to play for weeks!" I say. "You're not gonna break me. You're so light." He finally puts me down. "Come on, let's go." I pull on my boots and slip on my coat. I follow him to his car parked in my drive way. "Where to?" I ask taking the time to check him out. "The guys want to try the Starving Artist Bar." He looks good and smells nice. He's wearing an Otters hoodie with roots sweatpants. "What you staring at?" I quickly look away and he smirks. "Nothing." I mutter embarrassed. He reaches over to turn on the radio, and some country song comes on. "You like country?" I shake my head. "Why? What's wrong with country?" the car stops at a red light. "Nothing. Just not my favourite genre of music." I smile. "What do you like then?" he looks over to me. "I used to be a huge fan of bands. I still like a couple of bands, and i've also taken interest in other artists like Chance, Ed Sheeran, and the Chainsmokers." Dylan gives me an adorable smile. "Why are you so smiley today?" I ask. "Good mood I guess." We pull into the parking lot and park the car. We enter the place and walk over to join the others. "Hey, you're alive!" Dani greets. I roll my eyes, going in for a hug, and then going to hug Kayla and Steph as well. "Do I get a hug?" Marns opens his arms wide. "Why not." I give him a bear hug which he enjoys. What a kid. "Looks like Dylan took good care of ya last night." Phil says as I take the chair next to him, Dylan sitting across from me, and Dani on my left. "Guess so." I smile. "You were like zombie dead last night. You had too much fun." Steph teased. "I can't even remember much last night." I pick up the menu and look at it. "Guess Dyl knocked you up good then eh?" Dani wacked Mat in the chest. "Ow Dani!" We laugh. "We didn't do anything." Dylan tells him across the table. After everyone orders Dani, Steph and I excuse ourselves. "How was it?" I ask Dani, obviously knowing what Mat and her were up to. "It was really good. Better than the last." she spills. "What bout you and your kid?" Dani teases. "We weren't in the mood so we just watched netflix and cuddled." she smiles. "How are you and T?" Steph asks. "Things are going well. He asked me to be his girlfriend!" We congratulate her. "We need to find you a man!" Kayla tells me. "This queen don't need no man." I do a dramatic hair flip causing them to laugh. "I feel so under dressed." I say taking in what they are wearing. Jeans and nice tops, where as i'm wearing a sweater and leggings. "What are you talking about? You're beautiful." Steph says, and I tell her to shut up. We head back to the table where the guys are talking about the upcoming NHL All Star game. "Congrats Connor." I hug him remembering that he's going to the NHL All Star Game. "Thanks Cae!" He smiles. "Dylan's in a really good mood today." Phil says. Everyone agrees. "Yea, he's acting different." Connor adds. Dylan just gives them an adorable smile. "What did you do to him Cae?" T joins in the fun. "Just had a good sleep, that's all." Dylan smiles looking at me. Kayla mouths me an Aw and forms a heart with her hands, and I roll my eyes. "By the way, you guys all owe me $10." I grin at Mat, Dani, Dylan, and Phil. "Wait why?...Oh." Dylan catches on. "Pay up!" I say, and they all hand me $10. "Hey, what about Mitch?" Dylan asks. "He isn't here, i'll ask him the next time I see him." I say. "I'm right here?!" Marns says confused causing us to laugh. "She meant Mitch Stephens." "Didn't know you had it in you!" Mat yells at T, shocking the waitress as he distributes our orders. "Had what?" T asks confused. "Wait! You guys made a bet on us?" Kayla yells beginning to piece things together. "Wow you guys." she says. "Bro why didn't you tell us?" Marns asks. "Didn't want your teasing." "Cae, since you're $40 richer, you should pay for our meal." Steph jokes, and Mat agrees. "Hell no!" I shout. "Alright, alright, i'll pay." Dylan says. "No, fine i'll pay." I say getting up to get the bill from the waitress. "Cae. Sit down!" Dyl fights. Poor waitress looks uncomfortable. I snatch the bill before Dylan can but then T takes it from me. "Taylor!" "Why don't we all just pay for our own order." he rolls his eyes. Dylan and I give in.

"Need a ride?" Dylan jogs up behind me. "No, i'm going to Dani's." "Have fun. Bye best friend." He gives me a hug and walks to his car. "I thought I was your best friend." Phil pouts. "You are my best friend. Without you, I wouldn't have met these amazing people." I smile as we walk outside. "I'm leaving tonight." he mumbles. "What?" I look at him sadly. "I forgot to tell you last night. I have to go back. I've got practice in the morning. The other boys don't start till next week but Tommy, Mathieu and I start tomorrow." I frown. "Si hi to Tommy and Mathieu for me, I miss those frenchies......I'm going to miss you." I give him a long hug and enjoy the time I have in his embrace. "I'm going to miss you too. I'll come back to visit. Keep in touch alright? The boys are here for you." I nod. He places a kiss on my forehead. "Take care Cae." We let go of each other and I watch as he heads over to his car and backs out of the parking lot. "Hey what's going on?" Dani asks. "Phil's leaving tonight." I frown. "Oh honey, I thought he told you yesterday." I shake my head. "He forgot." "Don't worry, he'll come visit soon." Steph smiles. I didn't know Phil leaving would affect me this much, but this past week he had been so good to me. He had helped me in so many ways. He is my best friend. "Ready to go?" Mat asks. I nod and give Steph and Mitch a hug before I head off with Mat and Dani.


"Thomas give back my phone!" I hear Phil shout in the background as Tommy runs away with his phone and I laugh. "I miss you guys." I pout. "We miss you too! We'll come visit soon." he smiles. "Where's Mathieu?" Phil jumps on Tommy trying to grab his phone. The face time call ends and I laugh. They must of ended it by accident. I wait a couple of seconds before receiving another facetime from Phil's phone. "It was Phil's fault!" Tommy defends. "Mathieu is in the shower." Phil says. "What are you doing right now?" Tommy asks. "I'm at Dani's. Not really doing much. We just watched a couple of episodes of Friends. Don't really like being the third wheel though." I say and they laugh. "Mat's there? Tell him to stop r-bombing my snaps." Phil yells, making me laugh.. "Alright, i'll let him know."  "Where is he anyways?" "He's in the shower, Dani's making dinner. I'm gonna go see if I can help her out with dinner. I'll talk to you guys later. Goodnight!" I say. "Bye Cae! Take care!" Phil shouts. "Don't break our snap streak or i'll get mad! Bye!" Tommy yells at the phone. I smile and end the call before entering the kitchen to help Dani.

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