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Cae's POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since Mitch and I started dating. The entire WJ17 fam know by now and they are all supportive of our relationship besides Dylan. Still no word from him yet. I hope he is disappointed in himself. I valued our friendship or whatever it is we had, but he made his worst decision. I had just returned home from school after writing my final exam. I would be moving into a dorm down at the University of Toronto on Sunday. Mitch and Steph have offered to help me. They too are finishing their studies at UT. I'm thankful to know at least a couple people there. Mitch and I have grown closer, which also meant Steph and I becoming very good friends. Kayla and I have gone to the point of no talking, meaning that we barely text or have girls nights anymore because she has been 'too busy' for me. We did say hello and had small talk once in a while when we saw each other in the halls but that was it. Connor and I have been talking frequently over text as well. We began making plans for my stay in LA when I go for the NHL all star weekend. I called Collin and confirmed my stay at his and Ashton's house, and they are thrilled to have me come visit. I do miss Mitch a lot, and we FaceTime every night. I do understand that he is busy with the knights while balancing school. The long distance relationship has been tough but so far we have survived. Mitch made a promise that he will try to visit as much as he can when he has games near Toronto. He really does care and the thought of that warms my heart.

I head to my washroom and shower. I change into casual clothing and call an uber to drive me downtown. I have a shoot to do with some of the girls I model with. Our manager is starting us with a new project today and I am pretty ecstatic.


"Cae!" A familiar blonde calls. She welcomes me with a warm hug. "Annika! I've missed you all week! Where have you been?" I ask. Annika is Kasperi's girlfriend. I met her at a party through mutual friends at my school. I have never actually met Kappy, but William mentioned him once or twice. "I had classes all week except today. It was horrible. How was your week?" "Finished my last exam today. But i'm pretty stressed about moving day on Sunday." I reply. "Oh ya. You're going to UT right?" I nod. "Damn, should've chosen Western instead girl. Mustangs party harder!" she tells me. Annika is always the life of the party. I've heard stories, i've seen her at parties. "Mitch said the same thing about me going to Western instead too." I groan. "Mitch, as in Mitch your boyfriend?" She gasps. "How did you hear about it?" I ask curiously. "Willie mentioned it. Boy can't keep his mouth shut." she chuckles.

Our manager cuts our conversation short and takes us to the dressing room to get fitted for the shoot. After changing we head to the screens to start shooting. "Wanna grab some dinner afterwards? We thought it would be nice to have a night out." Monica, one of the models, says. "Sounds great!" I reply.


I wake up feeling excited and kind of frightened. Today I would begin my first step into University. I get out of bed and do everything I need to get ready. Yesterday, I stayed in and packed all day. My mom and Brian helped me package things in bins and boxes. I didn't actually need to bring everything because if anything, I could come back to my house pretty easily since the campus was just downtown. "Good morning Caelyn. Made you some waffles before you head out." Brian knocks politely on my door. "Thanks! I'll be down in a minute." I smile. "You got everything ready?" he asks. "I sure hope so." I reply. "I know having a step father may not be what you wished for, but i'm proud of you kid. You're a star athlete and a smart cookie. Your dad would be proud of you." He says. I get off the floor and give him a hug. My real dad would never say anything like that. No matter how hard I tried he would tell me to "try harder" and that it's "not good enough". He was hard on me and stressed me out easily. One of the reasons that led me to depression. He lives with my step mom in Australia now, who is Collin's mom. I could never satisfy my real dad. "Hey Brian?" "Yes?" He stops before leaving my room. "Thanks for everything." I say. He gives me a warm smile. "I'd do anything for you, kid." "Ill see you downstairs in a bit." I nod. He helps me move some of the boxes out of my room and to the front door so it will be easier to move later.

Just as I am about to head downstairs my phone buzzes.

Mitch the bitch: we're outside

Cae: i'll be down in a sec. i'll ask my mom to open the door for you guys


Immediately, I hear the door open and warm welcoming. Mitch and Steph came over last week and met my parents. They saw them as good kids and took a liking in them quickly. My mom and Brian both agree that it's good to have friends like them and that I should invest in more friendships like that instead of the kind I had with Kayla. Did I mention Dali stopped talking to me too? Yea well the clan has broken up now. Emma and Dali still talk pretty often but Kayla and Em do not associate with each other anymore. And Dali has chosen Kayla's side not that I care. I'm just thankful to have Em and Justin by my side even though i'm going to be moving to a different location today. We promised we will still keep in touch.

I head downstairs with the rest of the boxes. They weren't too heavy or big so I could handle it. I head to the kitchen and see Mitch eating my waffles. "Bitch those are mine." I sass. "Caelyn, language." I roll my eyes playfully. "And don't worry, Brian is making more. Are you sure you don't want any Steph?" my mom asks. "I'm sure, but thank you ms. Brent. I ate before I got here unlike Mitch." she laughs. "Rude. I actually did eat before coming over but i'm a growing boy. I get hungry." Mitch defends causing us all to laugh. Brian hands me a plate of hot waffles. I thank him and dig in along with Mitch.


"So how's the long distance relationship going?" Steph asks. I take my attention of my screen and look at her. "It's hard but I think we're getting used to it." I say honestly. "That's good." Mitch says. "Yea. We actually talked on FaceTime for hours last night while I was packing." "That's really cute." Steph gushes, causing me to blush. "Aw." Mitch comments poking at my cheek. "Stop." I groan. "Anyways, he told me he has a game in Niagara this Saturday against the Ice Dogs but he won't be able to make it in time to visit before his next game. So I was thinking last night, and I think I want to surprise him at his game on Saturday." I explain. "That's a great idea!" Mitch exclaims. "Ya, I think he would really love that." Steph agrees. "Okay. It's set then."

"So now that you're going to be living in the heart of downtown Toronto, are you going to come to more of my games?" Mitch asks. "Probably." I grin. "I almost forgot. Thanks so much for the tickets to the Leafs game." "Glad the date went well. How did you enjoy your first game?" Mitch laughs. "It was really exciting. I had a lot of fun. Plus you guys won, and I got to watch you score." I say. "Yea. Kinda bummed that you guys didn't come down to the locker room to visit after the game though." Mitch frowns. "Sorry, I was kind of in a rush to get home because it was already late and I had a shoot the next day." "It's alright, I understand. But next time, you don't have a choice." he says. "I promise." I smile. "Yea, and i'll introduce you to the other lady leafs, and then we can all go out for a girl's night and get drinks." Steph grins. "Sounds like fun." I reply. "You guys hungry?" Mitch asks. "You're hungry again?" Steph groans making me laugh. "Yea i'm kinda hungry too Steph." I shrug. "Fine, let's go out and find a place to dine. Last meal of the day alright Mitch?" Steph says. "No promises." Mitch chuckles as he grabs his car keys off my new desk and heads outside my single person dorm. 

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