"She likes Noah too and he is the same age as her," I pointed out.

"Oh then I definitely choose Noah over Shayne," mom said. I stuck my tongue out at Mia and grabbed ahold of the cart.

"Wait, why? You just said..."

"Don't worry, Mia," I said to her. "If Noah doesn't work for you, I'm sure Tristan would love to date you instead." I let go of the cart and wrapped my arm around her neck. "You know how he likes his light skin girls." Mia couldn't hold back a laugh and we both started laughing in the isle.

"Uh, no. I forbid both of you from dating Tristan," she said to me. Mia pushed me off of her and I kept laughing.

"He isn't bad looking, mom," Mia stated.

"And you know for a fact I'd never date him," I said to her with a chuckle. "He is like a brother to me, that's gross."

"You, I'm not worried about since you have a boyfriend," she said to me. Maybe not for long. But she pointed her finger at Mia. "You on the other hand, you're young and don't need to date someone five years older than you. I don't know how I even accept your sister and Anthony together."

"Because Anthony made you laugh when you first met him and you liked him instantly," I said to her. She slightly shrugged and we all started laughing. It's funny to know how well my parents and Mia know Smosh so well. Mia sits at home and watches Smosh all day instead of doing her homework for college and mom is fine with it because she wants to know what happened in today's video.

My mom isn't your average mom, but that's what makes her so special and that's why I love her so much.

Mom was standing in line and she handed me her keys. "Can you start the car up for me?" she asked. "You and Mia can just go out to the car until I'm done and we can head home to make lunch." I nodded and took the keys from her. Mia and I walked out of the grocery store and my phone started ringing.

I handed Mia the keys and answered my phone. "Hey Ant, what's up?"

"Hey babe," he said to me. "How's lunch with your mom and Mia?"

"Mom forgot all about lunch so Mia and I went with her to the grocery store to pick up some stuff," I told him. Mia just looked at me as she started mom's car; instantly shutting the door and leaned back on the car to listen in on my conversation. Anthony started chuckling on the phone. "How's your day with Ian?"

"It's been pretty good," he said. "He is in the bathroom right now and I just thought I should call you to check up on you." I rolled my eyes and didn't expect to get caught by Mia. "I'll let you go though. Have fun today and I'll text you later to tell you when I'll be home."

"Thanks Ant, you too," I said to him. I felt terrible because I hung up the phone right away and I knew he was saying I love you. I put my phone in my back pocket. Mia just looked at me with her arms crossed. "What?"

"What aren't you telling me anything about you and Anthony?" Mia asked me. "Why does mom have to know, but I can't?"

"Mia, it's more complicated than you think," I said to her.

"Right because I'm twenty years old and since I'm younger than you, I wouldn't understand," she stated. I stood there and she shook her head at me. "Forget it. Why do I bother trying with you? I try to be a good sister, but you always find a way to shut that shit down real fast." She goes to open the backseat door, but I walked up to her and shut it.

"Ever since I've moved in with Anthony, I haven't been happy," I said to her. I hated when she thought I was scared of being open with her, but it was me more wanting not to tell a lot of people about this. "Anthony and I have been having problems since then where we argue at work and a lot more at home. He doesn't see it, but I see our relationship dying."

Forbidden / Shayne ToppWhere stories live. Discover now