Part 16

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" So... Umm... What are you in the mood for Shawn?" Asked Lassiter quietly from where he sat behind the wheel.

" Well, anything will do but since this is you lunch hour, how about we go the simply route and just grab a couple of slices from Collesseo's?" Suggested Shawn.

" W-Well... Okay then. Just tell me which way to go to get to this Collesseo's." Nodded Lassiter.

Shawn nodded back and the proceeded to give the police detective the necessary directions to get to the pizza parlor. When they had just about reached Collesseo's Lassiter parked the crown vick as close as he could get it leaving about half a block left to travel. With small smiles at each other and slight awkwardness Shawn and Lassiter got out of the car. Lassiter quickly locked up the crown vick and hurried over to join Shawn on the sidewalk. He fed two quarters into the meter. He and Shawn started walking together towards the place of there intended lunch together.

As they walked Shawn and Lassiter kept taking furtive glances at each other. Shawn could see how unsure and nervous Lassiter was. In turn Lassiter caught how Shawn placed his right hand over his rounded stomach which was just visible beneath the baggy sweater the brunette was wearing. Lassiter could see that Shawn was feeling just like he was.

The two men quietly ducked into the small, cozy pizza made their way over to one of the private booths off towards the back. Lassiter stood close by as a precaution when Shawn carefully lowered himself into the booth.

" Are you okay Shawn?" Asked Lassiter as he sat down across from Shawn.

" I'm fine, hungry though." Said Shawn with a small smile.

" I bet." Said Lassiter with a small chuckle.

Then a red headed waitress came up to the booth, she greeted them and handed out two laminated menus. The waitress patiently waited till there were ready with what they wanted for lunch. Lassiter ordered a slice of pepperoni mushroom while Shawn ordered a slice of Sicilian with grilled chicken and roasted tomato topping.

" No pineapple?" Asked Lassiter curiously once the waitress had taken her leave with their orders.

" You're gonna laugh but, in the beginning I couldn't get enough of my beloved fruity delicacy had it almost everyday while I was up in Bandon. Then I get to the three and a half month mark and suddenly I can't even stand the sight of a pineapple without thinking I'm gonna hurl. So I haven't touched any since then." Explained Shawn.

Shawn's words were met with silence as Lassiter stared at him in disbelief. Then he spoke.

" Sweet justice, Shawn Spencer can't stand his beloved fruit. It's a sign of the apocalypse, it must be." Said Lassiter with complete seriousness.

" Oh don't be so dramatic, it's not the apocalypse, just something a little ways beneath it." Said Shawn with a sad sigh.

There was a beat of silence and then both Lassiter and Shawn were dissolving into soft chuckles. Just then the red haired waitress returned carry a tray with two plates on it. She smiled and set each plate down, the one with the Sicilian slice for Shawn and the pepperoni and mushroom slice for Lassiter. With a nod she left the two men to enjoy their lunch.

" Finally." Said Shawn before he eagerly dug into his slice. Instead of digging into his own slice of pizza, Carlton's attention was focused on Shawn. He smiled as he watched the one who was carrying his child eat with deep gusto. Shawn was munching away on a big bite when he noticed the pale blue eyes that were once again staring at him. Shawn swallowing the mouthful of pizza and spoke.

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