I stalked over to the now lounging Sebastian.

At some point, my dear boss had taken off his jacket and it sat draped on the armrest. He looked positively delicious, laid back casually with his thermal hugging his torso. His arm was resting along the backrest, a sliver of color peeking out from the cuff. The glass of champagne held loosely in his other hand, resting on his knee. Images of a warlord debauching young maidens across the land came to mind at the sight.

He eyed me warily as I approached. Good, he should be wary. I was a wreck, emotionally compromised and he was about to get the brunt of the fallout.

"When she comes back in here and those..." I paused, choosing my words carefully. "Gentlemen are gone, we tell Nadiya that you had a change of heart and decided you wanted our wedding night to be a surprise after all. Kapish?" He smirked at me.

"Oh Sweetheart, I think that's an amazing idea. We should definitely try on fifteen sets and eliminate them one by one." As soon as the words left his mouth, the first girl—the one that had retreated to the backroom—reappeared with several ensembles in her hand.

"I'm sorry what are those?" I asked, my voice pitching high. I may have been a tad bit tense.

"Your selection, Miss." She curtsied. She actually curtsied... um, what era was I in?

"That can't be right, I haven't been measured yet." It took everything I had not to glance at the garments in her hand. Or should I say lack of garments, there really wasn't much to them. I only succeeded because my head was craning around like the exorcist, trying to spot the woman who got us I here in the first place.

"Ms. Willow doesn't need to measure, Miss. She has a gift of being able to tell with just a glance. It's why we're so sought after." My gaze drifted back to her. Seeing my confusion she decided to answer my unspoken question. "Nadiya, Miss."

"Ah." Eloquent, I know. I deserve all of the literary awards. But it was either that or a snort. Nadiya Willow Bridal Undergarment Connoisseur, that was a fake name if I ever knew one. Our little garment fairy had already managed to place the pieces in the room and was approaching me. Hand outstretched for my bag.

Sebastian's hand also reached out for it. I eyed his palm. He would so snoop in there to get the information I wasn't willing to share, I just knew it. Reluctantly, I handed over what was essentially my entire life to this girl who had aided Bossman in this catastrophe. She was the lesser of two evils.

"Please take a step into your room. I will be returning with more options or taking away those you deem not to your liking." I gaped at her, why was she talking like that? The place did have a bit of a 19th-century vibe but come on now... I was regretting handing over my life source.

The room opening was glaring at me like a shining beacon of doom. I wondered how long I could procrastinate and if by some divine miracle, Hulk Hogan and The Rock out there would move onto the next shop. Thus, saving me from the fire I had blindly leapt into from my uncozy frying pan.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Sebastian trying not to laugh. Oh god, I was actually going to have to get naked for this man? This beautiful man who wrote my paychecks.

And held my debt.

And dragged me through the mud in front of my coworkers for 2 weeks.

But also fed the poor.

Who washed my clothes after I screwed him out of 15k.

And let's not forget, patiently taught me how to cut carrots like a pro and apologized for being a douche.

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