Dramione| Havana

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This one wasn't requested I just really wanted to write it!!!

(Draco-D Hermione-H)

D- Hey

H- What do you want now Malfoy. I swear if this another one of those stupid lyric pranks

D- Havana

H- Wait, what

D- Half of my heart is in Havana

H- When did you go to Havana?

D- He took me back to East Atlanta

H- You went to Atlanta?

D- Oh, but my heart is in Havana

H- I thought only half was there????

D- There's somethin' 'bout his manners

H- Wait... WHO'S

D- Havana

H- Is Havana someone or something?

D- He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?"

H- I'm still confused

D- He said there's a lot of girls I can do with

H- Who are you talking about!

D- I'm doin' forever in a minute

H- Doing what in FOREVER?

D- And papa says he got malo in him

H- When did you learn spanish?

D- He got me feelin' like

H- ok ok, I feel like I've heard enough

D- I knew it when I met him

H- Malfoy, please stop

D- I loved him when I left him

H- Malfoy is this your way of telling me that you're gay?

D- wHaT NO!

H- Hmm, ok....

D- I meaaannn what makes you think that?

H- All those texts about someone named Havana and you said you loved him..

D- No! It was a lyric prank! I swear!

H- Malfoy, if you're gay, I understand.

D- I'm not! It was just a prank bro! (heheh see what I did there)

H- Yeah, yeah. I'm sure 

Ugh I knew I said I'd be writing a bunch but I procrastinate a LOT (I mean really a lot. If I say I'm  going to update a lot, you really shouldn't believe me) and also I was very busy. Also recently it was my BIRTHDAY ( ͡°ω ͡°) WOOT WOOT! 

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