Sirius & James| Just Hold On

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Requested by @TheMrsShawnMendes Thank you so much for requesting! Remember to request

(James-J Sirius-S)

S- Wish that you could build a time machine

J- Why would I do that when there's time turners... 

S- So you could see

J- Sirius is this another joke about my glasses! I'll have know I can still see... you're all blurry but still!

S- The things no one can see

J- No one else can see blurry people? What... 

S- Feels like you're standing on the edge

J- Well I'm going down stairs so the edge of a stair

S- Looking at the stars

J- It's noon... where are you -_-

S- And wishing you were them

J- You wish I was a star??

S- What do you do when a chapter ends

J- Flip the page and continue reading ಠ_ಠ

S- Do you close the book and never read it again?

J- No.... you flip the page and continue reading. Sirius I know you never read but it's not that hard...

S- Where do you go when your story's done

J- Idk heaven 

S- You can be who you were or who you'll become

J- Now I'm just confused

(I'm skipping a bit cause it'll go better together)

S-  The sun goes down and it comes back up  

J- Yes.. I know

S- The world turns no matter what

J- Unless it explodes

S- If it all goes wrong

J- If what goes wrong

S- Darling just hold on

J- I'm confused. You know what I've gotta go. I'm going to go ask Lily out. Wish me luck ;)

S- Wait but I haven't finished!

J- Bye see you later

S- ಠ╭╮ಠ

Hope you enjoyed :)) Remember to request

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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