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So before we begin, I just wanted to tell you a little bit about each member and why I put them in the house that I did. If you have your own Sorting, then feel free to talk about it in the comments :)

I will be going from oldest to youngest, and I'll be basing the sorting on the qualities they have and the values they stand by, from what I infer. 

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Kim Seokjin:

I placed him in Hufflepuff bc he is very caring and is always looking out for his dongsaengs. He is also a hard worker, and very dedicated, always working hard on the new choreography, and always putting his very best into performances, which I think is very Hufflepuff of him. He loves so much, and his heart is made of gold. He's sweet but he is also ballsy enough to yell at the others when necessary, though that's rare bc the others know where to draw the line (...usually). In this story, Seokjin will go by Jin with his friends, and if anyone else uses such familiar terms (like Jin, Jin-hyung, Jinnie e tc.), Yoongi will take care of it (in private).

Min Yoongi

Y'all already know Min Yoongi is the most Slytherin boy out of all the meme-bers. He rarely shows his emotions, unless he's comfortable within the environment (the dorm, a photoshoot, an event, on stage, e tc.). He's resourceful, he's determined, he's clever and (in this story), the older he gets the more guarded he gets bc of the abuse Slytherin gets, making his self preservation stand out a lot more than it does in real life. When each member joins the group, he is wary of them at first, but gets used to them the more they hang out with him. He'll be very cold in public, and much warmer in private.

Jung Hoseok

Hufflepuff. Straight up Hufflepuff. He's so warm and friendly that every time he talks to you, you see how genuine he is when he smiles or compliments you. As the third oldest, and the Golden Hyung, he's also known to help keep the maknae line in check alongside the rest of the hyung line (though normally... he's goofing off with the rest of the maknae line). He's dedicated,  inclusive, patient and caring.. In this story, he uses his friendly persona for a bit of a... less friendly service: blackmail. You'll see it in action later ;)

Kim Namjoon

I put this man in Ravenclaw for a multitude of reasons: He's smart, he's tactful, he's logical, and his leadership skills aren't like a Gryffindor's. His leadership skills lie in decisions made to benefit the group in a lowkey sort of way. He likes simple things, makes simple plans, and doesn't beat around the bush. He fucks around with puzzles, riddles, and other things for fun (in this story). Plus, he's original, he's accepting, and he's intuitive and creative.

Kim Taehyung

I put Taehyung in Gryffindor because he's chivalrous, he's willful, he can be very brave and courageous, and he just strikes me as the type of person to fight for things he believes in and for the people he loves. Plus, I feel like the hat would put him there so he can grow as a person and become more rounded out, not only because it aligns with some of his traits, but also because while he may not have many Gryffindor values, I think the hat would see that he should learn to stregthen and foster the ones he does have. 

Park Jimin

Park Jimin is a Gryffindor because while he does have plenty of Slytherin qualities, he doesn't strike me as a Slytherin. He seems like the type to go by his emotions, which seems like a very Gryffindor behavior, and he also is very expressive and emotive in everything he does, which also speaks to me as Gryffindor. Not to mention, he just seems very... I don't know. He's also a very willful person, and he's very strong, two very Gryffindor traits. Plus he's chivalrous, we all know that. 

Jeon Jeongguk

Y'all thought I'd put him in Gryffindor, huh? Nah... this boy is a fucking Slytherin. He works himself too hard to be the best, to do his absolute best, to push his limits every chance he gets. He conceals his true emotions until he's in private, until he's with people he's comfortable with. Plus, like the other two members of the maknae line, I think the hat would put him in a house that would help him foster his other traits and strengthen his more Slytherin values. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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