Chapter 3: Tony Stark/Ironman's POV

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When we all left the meeting, we had agreed on two things; Loki had captured her, and we were NOT to go looking for her, at all. I hadn't really agreed to that last one, but I wouldn't get out of there until Fury shut up. 

I pulled up to Stark Tower, Pepper hadn't wanted me to fly at night for some reason, so I drove. By myself. And I rode the elevator upstairs, by myself. I needed to think, and this wasn't the place to do it. 

I walked to my workshop, passing by each generation of Ironman suits, finding my desk and sinking into it, suddenly exhausted after the long day. 

"Welcome home, sir." Jarvis, my electronic butler, woke up. I shut him down, not wanting to hear another voice. What was Loki playing at, capturing Natasha? She wasn't the largest threat, nor the most powerful. He didn't have a personal thing against her, as far as I knew. Maybe he thought she had information, information that he needed? And where was he keeping her, that was also a mystery. I'd never pretended I understood Loki; his motives were fairly clear, jealous of his brother, wanting power where he had been denied. A father who never loved him. A history he was never told. Truth was, a lot of the time I felt sorry for the guy, but right when I thought he might not be so bad, he does something like kill Phil, or blow up a building, or bring a rain of aliens down on us. We thought the threat was gone when Loki was taken to Asgard, to be imprisoned there forever. 

I run my fingers through my hair, brushing away these disturbing and gloomy thoughts. I need to do something, maybe go for a night flight, or take apart one of my cars. Anything to keep my mind off the current problem.

Pepper isn't here, gone on some business trip I didn't want to take. The night is all mine, I can use it however. I hear a metallic click; turning, I see that Jarvis wasn't quite asleep after all, and has set up my Mark VI suit, all I have to do is get in it and fly. Ha, sometimes Jarvis is almost human with his knowledge of my habits. 

The worries drop away as I soar into the night sky.

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