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All I did was run. I didn't even try to go around it or anything. I just... kept running. I was so scared, but at the same time I found it funny. Being in the apocolypse and all then having this be the way to die, a tornado, I forgot those even existed. All I could think about was Carl. I should've done more to find him, to save him, I knew something was wrong with the weather. How could I be so stupid?  He's probably dead now, and all because I was stupid. How am I supposed to live with that?

I couldn't run anymore, I just couldn't. If I were to die right then, I wouldn't care, because now all I wanted was to be with Carl again, in his arms, as close as humanly possible to him, to hear his heartbeat, to feel his warm breath on my bare arms, and to hear his voice again, thats all I really wanted now, the one thing I probably won't have again. Now that I don't have him anymore, I realize how much he means to me, and how I can't do this without him.

As I was walking I had reached a field, which in my case was good because I could see the tornado, and I could rest for a second. It wasn't a big one, but it did leave some damage, and it was getting skinnier and skinnier. I watched it disapear into thin air, it was still windy as hell, but at least the tornado was gone. I figured if Carl was alive he wouldve gone north of where I was, I mean there was a good chance he was dead, but what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't at least try?

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