Somewhere, soon.

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It's been hard, I have to admit, I thought I could make it on my own, I was so wrong. Its been nine months.. or something like that, since everything just kind of went to shit, and only a few days since we left the prison, Carl and I trying to find the others, with no luck. I couldn't just assume everyone was gone though. Carl and I had been following the deer trail all day, it looked about noon and we ran into a small cabin.

"Should we clear it? Or look for somewhere else?" I asked. "We havent found anything better this whole time Haley, I think.. I think we should settle here." Carl said. "Okay, I'll clear it, you cover me." I said. He nodded in response.

I looked in the windows, checking if there were any visible walkers, but there weren't. Carl and I walked around the cabin, I stood in front of the door, knocking on it. I waited five seconds, the. opened it, having my knife ready.

There was no sign of living in that cabin at all, i let out a sigh of releif, then looked at carl, smiling. There was a couch, a chair, a table, bathroom, small kitchen, and a fireplace. I knew Carl was tired so I let him have the couch, while I sat on the chair.

About two hours later, the sun had set, I had a fire going and a snoring Carl on the couch. I threw a pillow at him, waking him up.

"Carl.. I'm sorry to wake you but this question has been lingering in my head all day, we aren't the only survivors right? I mean, we can't be.." I asked him. He looked at me for a minute. Finally, he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and said "I don't know Haley, I don't know, I hope we aren't, but either way I'm okay as long as I have you."

I smiled, kissing his cheek, then laying with him on the couch. I turned to look at him, and he was already looking at me. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you too." He said, planting a gentle kiss on my lips. Both of us falling asleep.

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