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The men frowned and grimaced at her blunt words. But none of them denied anything. A few muttered a few choice words under their breaths. Crane slumped his shoulders and looked up at her incredulously.

He sighed and looked away. The man on the ground managed to turn his head and look at him hesitantly then quickly turn away. She noticed the look and turned to him.

"So this was your fault?"

He gave her the same look he had given Batman and didn't answer. Let's see how this goes. He thought.

She looked them all over piecing together what she saw.

"Ok...so I'm guessing..."

She pointed at each man and said.

"Goon, goon, goon, side man, goon, drug dealer, bodyguard, goon..."

With each she said the man looked surprised since she was right. Crane raised an eyebrow.

"And...Batman follower, bat, bat, bat, bat, goon, bat, goon, bat."

They all stared at her in shock as Crane watched impressed and wondering when she would slip up.

Her eyes fell on Crane and she gave him a bored look.

"And I'm guessing you're the 'brains' of this whole thing?"

She raised her fingers and parenthesized the 'brains' part. He nodded to her and chuckled.

"Not bad."

She nodded her head and leaned back to sit down better, off of her knee's.

"Let. Me. Guess...you." She pointed to Crane. "Made some fort of deal with...these guys." She pointed to the group of goons. "And that didn't go too well for you because of his aha...'reaction' to your...'compound'." She gestured to the man still lying down on the pavement. "And these boys over here." She looked pointedly at the Batman impersonators who looked offended by the 'boys' comment. "Came in trying to crash your little party."

She opened up her arms and let them fall to her sides.

"Then Batman came in here and got all of you guys."

They all stared at her in silence.

If he could he would of clapped. He raised his arms towards her and nodded his head then let fall back lazily onto his lap.


She smiled proudly and laughed.

"I can only imagine all of your expressions when you saw Batman. Speaking of which."

She looked around searching for more signs of wreckage then back to Crane.

"How'd escaping go?"

A small smile played on her lips. He shook his head and looked up at the sky again. He motioned over the railing with his head. She stood up and walked over to it to look. She saw a white van that looked like a boulder had crashed onto the top of it down below on one of the several lower levels. The front and side windows were shattered and cracked. The drivers door looked like it had been forced open where she guessed he had been dragged out fulfilly.

She stifled a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand.

Crane watched her reaction and glared. She giggled to herself then started laughing out loud.

"Oh my god! Hahaha! How did he? Pfft! How do you even-hahahaha!"

She was laughing too hard to even try to say full sentences. Crane scowled as she clutched her stomach and laughed into her hand. He didn't like being made fun of but at the moment it was more so about his pride. She laughed so hard that it was on the verge of being ridiculous. She sat back down and tried to calm herself down when she saw the look she was getting. She sighed and wiped her eyes.

A Walk In A Parking Garageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن