Deal Gone Bad

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The black SUV's turned the final turn on the winding ramps of the parking garage coming into the wide open low hanging ceiling space of the parking floor, the floor lit brightly not touched by the night slights and sounds of Gotham's streets far below. They all pulled around creating a small closed off area that left space in between that could be easily protected from all sides. Men with guns and suits or stained jackets depending on their position stepped out. They all seemed to know where they were going and what they were doing. They all immediately surrounded the area, weapons poised and ready to shoot anything that so much as twitched when it shouldn't be. A man wearing expensive clothes and rings stepped out.

His long hair pulled back into a ponytail and his facial hair trimmed to rough perfection. He screamed a man of power. Rough and refined all at once. He called out in Russian to several of his goons and companions who nodded and secured the area. He leaned over a railing to look up at the night sky where a light shining on the clouds displayed a large symbol of the Batman. He chuckled and called out boisterously.

"And that is why we bring dogs!"

He walked around to the back of his vehicle and opened up the hood letting out several rottweilers. He rubbed their fur roughly and tenderly.

"My little princes!"

He said in a thick accent while scratching ones head and rubbing the sides of his ears in a playful manner. A large white van with no windows was waiting a little ways away. Its back doors swung open two men with guns came out while its driver and passenger stepped out quickly pulling out there own guns. The Russian man didn't look impressed and jerked his head towards them signalling his men to bring out the other man still in the SUV. The men from the van quickly surrounded it and looked at the others with blank stares. The Russian leader was unfazed and started walking towards the group angrily. His two guards followed dragging a man who cried out to anyone who seemed to be able to hear him for help.

"Please, their crawling in my mouth. Please, I beg you, get them off!"

They threw him to the pavement while their leader gestured to someone within the van with both arms accusingly.

"See what yor drugs did to my customer!"

He proceeded to step closer angrily and looking for an explanation. A pair of hands reached out gripping the top of the vans frame and pulling themselves out. A man in a no doubt expensive and tailored dark grey suit with a dark brown dress shirt and tie stepped out with his hands clasped together in front of him. But his most dominant feature was what seemed to be a burlap sack on his head with a crudely stitched face on the front. He stepped onto the pavement and shrugged his shoulders holding out his hands as if the whole thing was obvious.

"Buyer beware. I said my compound would take you places. I never said they were places you wanted to go."

The man on the ground whimpered at the sight of him and squeezed his eyes shut hoping to block out the voices and stop the maggots from getting into his throat, he knew who he was all too well, Scarecrow. The larger man looked at him in disbelief and gestured at him again.

"My business, repeat customers!"

He said slightly exasperated. The man with the burlap sack over his head held up his arms and spoke in an obvious tone that suggested mockery.

"You don't like what I have to offer, you can buy from somewhere else. Assuming Batman left anyone to buy from."

Before the Russian man could react or reply his dogs picked up something and started jumping and barking against their leashes. The Russian ring leader glared and snarled in anger but turned back to his dogs as if he hadn't heard what he had said. He laughed boisterously and called out to anyone listening.

A Walk In A Parking GarageOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant