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"Harry styles! Hurry your arse up!"

"I am coming Niall. Just. Calm. Down." I say as calm as I can. This little Irish menace is going to give me a headache. The party is not the far away. UGHHHHH we will make it I promise.

"Can you not take four hundred years on your hair Harold?" asks the impatient brunette.

"I'm almost done Niall. Okay. Chill."

Tonight is the biggest party of the year for our UNI graduate class. Its the last party of the year and everyone is invited. Niall and I have been waiting for this party for weeks.

"I'm ready weirdo. Lets go." I say as when walk towards the door. I can hear him say 'fucking finally' before we head to the car. This party is the end of college and the beginning of life for us. Niall and I have been toughing this through since we were both in grade school. Our lives, we have never been separated. I love the man to death, and I know he feels the same way. Our whole life has been him and I figuring things out and having fun while doing it. Plus, who else is going to deal with me forever.

"Ready for the time of our lives?" Niall says excitedly.

"So ready. Maybe this will be the best night of our lives. I can't wait to......"






harrrrrryyyyyy aaawwwaaaakeeeeennnn

I shot up from the bed I was resting on. Where am I?

There is nothing i know about this place. Where are the oil lamps? Where are the boys?!


A nurse runs into the room. She looks so young.

"Where am I!? Please tell me where I am. Where are my friends?" I ask

She stares at my so sympathetically. Are they okay?

"Your friend is fine. He woke up a little before you did. Dear, you were in a crash that left you and your friend in a coma. You both had minor injuries and healed quickly. Would you like to see Niall?'

I ferociously nod my head. I need to see Niall. I need Louis....

"Come with me honey. You and your friend will share a room. We are keeping you for further inspection, but both of you were screaming for each other so we will keep you two together." the nurse says sweetly.

I only nod. Two? Where are the others? I need to find them.

"Sorry to ask but, what's my last name?" the nurse just stares at me in confusion.

"Styles. Do you know your first name dear?" she asks

Styles.... Why are we reawakening? " Harry ma'am" i reply.

i can see her physically relax. We have reawakened. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it.

"In hear, love." the woman states. Is that Niall? Our new vessels will need some getting used too. I wonder what I look like. What does Louis look like. Liam too.

"Niall?" I say, "we're awake."

"Harry? Your voice is so different and I'm Irish. Why am I always the odd one out. I already know that the other boys are going to be british."

I can't take it. I burst out laughing. "hahaha!!!! Dude! Your voice is sooo goood!! The boys are going to love this!!"

" Yeah yeah laugh it out. Do you know where the others are? I want to know where Liam is. I miss him."

Yeah that made me stop laughing."I don't know Niall, but i need Louis."

*Breaking news! Plane crash leaving multiple dead and the only two survivors, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne, in a coma..... Wait we have news that they have just awakened and unharmed. Both currently residing in Martin General Hospital. we will come back with more information after the break*

The TV just said Louis and Liam!!!!!

"NURSE!!!!!!" i scream.

the same nurse as before runs into the room with a concerned expression. "Harry. Niall. Are you both alright?" she pants.

"Louis and Liam..... Can we see them?" Niall asks

"You know the plane craft survivors?" she asks.

Niall and I both nod.

"We will bring them here. They were shouting your names once they woke up." she explains.

I wasn't listening to the rest of her story. I am going to see Louis. I'm going to reunite with my fireball.

"Harry focus." Niall whispered to me. "The water is moving. calm down and breathe."


"HARRY!!!" A small man with feathery brown hair runs towards me.

"LOUIS!!???!!" I catch him in my arms. He's so warm. My little fireball."Calm down babe you're starting to burn.

He is blushing as we passionately kiss. We are in our own world and we don't notice Liam and Niall reuniting.

We kiss as though it is a sixth sense. It basically is, but not with these vessels. I missed my Loubear.

"I missed you Hazza." Louis says as he tightly hugs my frame. He hugs me as if his life depended on it to survive.

"I missed you too Lou."

Heyyyy thanks for reading this first chapter
I know it sucks but bear with me
Leave a comment on what you think I should add to the story and I hope you like the story!!

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