Chapter 22: That Good Meat

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🔥Conner's POV🔥

I am an asshole. I am out with Luke, enjoying this amazing date, and at random moments I am getting these rushes of smug pride. Being able to walk around with Luke, publicly showing that we were dating and he was mine, was doing it for me more than I would like to admit. While Luke is laughing like a donkey and an angel gave birth to a giggle I am soaking up his attention like a horny dog. I should not be enjoying showing him off in public as much as I am.

We had walked along the beach for less than an hour, the stands were there and we were able to pick up some matching bracelets among other thing but the Toronto wind was not calming down for any couples trying to have a cute beach date. I admitted that I was cold and the moment that Luke agreed we drove off to get something to eat.

I hadn't planned out where we would eat and left it up to Luke and my adorable boyfriend knowing all about my love for any good meat suggested Montana's; I couldn't have agreed fast enough.

"Ugh, I love Montana's." Luke sighed once we were seated at our table. Luke just as eager to eat as I was had made a call-ahead and we were seated the moment we stepped into the restaurant. Luke was shimmying in his way over to me from his spot at our half circle booth and soon I felt his thigh pressed against mine. "You know my family used to come here every other month before my mom went vegetarian and my sister followed suit." Luke commented looking around at the decor with a familiarity in his eyes.

I had messed with the napkins that had rolled up our forks and spoons and now all of my utensils were laid our in front of me; I was a kid at heart and this was just a old habit that I hadn't let go of. I thought about what Luke said and soon smiled when another thought came to mind. 

"So you used me and my money to come back here again?" I asked teasingly. I leaned in dangerously close to my boyfriend and by his gaping mouth he was not expecting the comment. Soon though he got my true meaning but didn't laugh.

"Psh, please. If I was dating you for money I would have broke up with you and headed to Grindr for a real sugar daddy." He trailed his eyes up and down my body and scoffed as if he was unimpressed. "By the way 'daddy' also means a real man and you sir are not one."

I could not help my self when I burst out laughing, and I laughed so loudly that three of the tables near us turned to figure out who was making so much noise. Luke broke too and laughed with me, a lot quieter may I add, but his cheeks were just as red and in that moment we were far from romantic or boyfriend looking. But we were happy and that was way more important.

"Wow babe, I'm hurt." I pouted, as fake looking as I possibly as I could, and like that Luke was back in character.

"Oh suck it up." He was grinning; I was grinning. We looked fucking evil, and that is what our server saw when she walked up to our table.

"Welcome to Montana's, I am Brianna and I will be your waitress for this evening." Brianna smiled professionally in front of the two of us. At first I was not sure if she saw Luke an I's creepy display but there was a teasing glint in her eye and I assumed that she was juts not going to acknowledge it. "Would the two of you like anything to drink?" I looked over to Luke and he was staring at nothing as he tried to decide what t drink.

"Are there any cool drinks on your menu?" He asked her, finally picking up one of the menus that we had ignored and immediately going to the drinks page.

"Oh, well we just added our new tropical inspired called summer in paradise, it has pineapple, mango, guava, and litchi juices as the base and then we added some coconut and filtered water to keep the flavor from getting extremely sweet." She told Luke, pointing to an peachy orange looking drink that was enlarged on the page with a giant "NEW" next to it. "I died when I first had it, one of my favorite drinks from Montana's yet." Luke nodded and snapped closed the menu.

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