My first home

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I headed out the front door for the last time and into a black taxi. I put my bag into the boot of the car and then jumped in myself. I stared out the window as the care home faded out of sight. After we passed the park I realised that this was the furthest I have been from the care home in 12 years.

I was excited but then again nervous...because what if they find out that I'm not the one for them and they send me back to the care home and some other kid has taken my room and-


Dan interrupted my thought which I wasn't exactly upset about as it was leading me to a dark part of my brain...

"So we redecorated Phil's old room for you but we don't know if you'll like it or not so don't hesitate to tell us if you hate it"

I smiled at them

"As long as it's not pink"

They both laughed and promised that my room was indeed...not pink.

I started to look out of the window again as Dan spoke to me again.

"We should also tell you that we are quite famous..."

What? Haha this is a little joke

"Yeah...defiantly" I replied and rested my forehead against the cold glass

"No really...we're YouTubers...we were thrilled when you told us that you watched videos there"

"Really?" I asked and raised an eyebrow

"Phil can I see you phone" he hands me his phone in a bright blue case as he unlocks it.

"Channel names?" I ask

"AmazingPhil and danisnotonfir-"
Dan interrupts Phil

"AmazingPhil and Daniel Howell"

I go onto the YouTube app and type in both usernames.

They are telling the truth...

"That's why it was so hard finding a daughter..." they look down guiltily after seeing my confused reaction. I hand Phil back his phone.

"That's so awesome! Can I be in a video? Will I get to meet famous people? Will I get to go to concerts? Will I get to meet Zoella?"

"Zoella?" They both said in unison

I nod and tell them how I really like her videos even though I don't really wear makeup because I've never been able to afford it.

The chuckle and nod

"Yes we know Zoella"

I smile to myself and turn back to the window. We drove past the London Eye and Big Ben as it chimed. Soon enough we were at Dan and Phils home...I guess it's my home too.

We all get out the stuffy car and Dan collects my bag from the boot. I immediately take it from him. He doesn't know what's in there, I don't want anything to be broken...

"No it's ok, I've got it."

I look up at him with my big blue eyes and he lets me take my bag.

I instantly regret it.

How can one apartment have so much stairs?!

Once we get to the top I flop on a chair by the door out of breath and the boys laugh at me. Phil takes my bag inside and gently placed it on the sofa.

"Come see your room" dan calls and covers my eyes with his hands.

"Ok are you ready?" I hear Phil say and I nod. Before me is a white walled bedroom with blue fairy lights going along the walls. The bedsheets were a dark blue/grey colour with woollen blankets piled over it. Around the white bed frame more fairy lights were securely balanced. They were rose shaped. I stood there open mouthed in shock.

 I stood there open mouthed in shock

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" you like it?" Phil asked from behind me. I turned around, my plait lightly hit me in the face as I did so. I hugged both Dan and Phil.

"I love it!"

Phil went to get my bag and I unpacked my clothes into my light wooden wardrobe and placed my glass dolphin on the matching bedside table along with the photo of me and mum. I sat cross legged on the squishy bed and looked up at the blue fairy lights. I was in deep thought about what my life here might be like when Dan poked his head round the door.
"Dinner in 5 minutes...Phils ordering pizza. Any requests for toppings?" I shook my head. I never normally had much pizza when it was for dinner at the care home as everybody got there first. He came and sat himself on the edge of my bed and looked around the room with me.
"This used to be Phils room" I looked at Dan and he smiled. "He's been so excited to get a daughter you know?" I nodded. He stroked the stray bits of hair out from my face and went back to Phil. "I'll call you when the pizza is here"

Then Dan left and shut the door behind him. I was left alone with my thoughts once again.

Hello again!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you don't waste too much of your life reading my awful book 😂

Have a great day!

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