How He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend

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QOTD- Which way would you want to be asked by a guy to be his girlfriend?

They're all so adorable but if I have to pick one it would be Shawn's.. Or maybe Dillon. That's hard heehee.

How He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend:

Nash- Nash and you were going on a walk to the park. When you guys arrived there he pulled you to a bench. He pulled something out of his pockets. You stared at him wondering what he was doing. "I know you're probably wondering what I'm doing right now. It's something that I've wanted to do for the past few months. Y/n will you be wonderful girlfriend?" With that he opened the case he was holding and it showed a beautiful necklace with a heart.

Hayes- You were home alone when the doorbell rang. You checked who it was before opening the door and saw Hayes. When you opened the door he had his arms behind his back while hiding something. You shrugged it off thinking it was nothing important. You let him in and both go into the living room. He starts the conversation and says, "I don't know if you feel the same way about me that I feel for you but I like you and was wondering if you could be my girlfriend?" He asks while pulling out a teddy bear from behind his back.

Cameron- Cameron takes you out to a restaurant. He has manned up now and decided to finally admit his feelings for you and ask you something he's been wanting to do since he found those feelings. While at the restaurant he nods to the waiter and you give him a puzzled look which he shrugs off. "Listen y/n I have to tell you something important. I have liked you and maybe even loved you since I first laid my eyes on you. I'm not sure if you have feelings for me but I just wanted to tell you this and ask you something else." You nod smiling encouraging him to continue. The waiter comes back with a slice of cake with icing on it that says, "Will you be my girlfriend?" You nod and exclaim, "Yes a million times yes! I never thought you would like me back!" You both share a peck on the lips.

Carter- You and Carter have known each other since you two were babies. A few years ago you started to grow feelings for him but knew he wouldn't feel the same towards you. So you tried to ignore those feelings when you were around him which was kind of hard considering you guys hang out a lot. He was at your house right now and you guys were watching a romance movie. After the movie was over he got up and pulled me up too. "Y/n I know we've been best friends forever but I've been developing feelings for you and was wondering if maybe you could be my girlfriend?" He asked while scratching the back of his head, something he does when he is really nervous.

Jack Gilinsky- Jack takes you on a date to the beach where he sets a picnic. You notice he is nervous about something but don't mention it. When you are both finished with the delicious food he prepared he asked you a question. "Y/N will you be my amazing and beautiful and loving girlfriend?"

Jack Johnson- He was over at your house and you two were hanging out when he suddenly got up from the spot he was sitting. "Y/n I've liked you for a while now. I love how your eyes sparkle, the way you laugh at my cheesy jokes, the way you dress and don't give a crap about what people will say, the way you flip your beautiful hair. There's so much more I can say but that would take me a millions of years to say. I guess what I'm trying to say is y/n will you be my amazing, gorgeous, loving and caring girlfriend?"

Aaron- It's your birthday and you threw a party. Now was the time where you were opening your gifts. When you opened Aaron's gift you saw a box of your favorite chocolates and a note. You opened the note and it read, "We've known each other for almost half a year now and I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend? If yes, eat the Snickers. If no, eat the Twix."

Shawn-He tells you to come to the gym for the pep rally, you're kind of surprised because he doesn't really like pep rallies. You go anyways and Shawn is nowhere to be found, but you hear a voice and look up, it's Shawn. "Y/n I've liked you for a very long time, I never had the courage to ask you this.. Until now, Y/n will you be Mrs. Mendes?" You don't respond. Shawn says "I'm not asking for marriage just yet, but i would be so honored to call you my other half, my baby, my everything, my girlfriend." Everyone just stares at you waiting for your response, including Shawn.

Matt- You woke up this morning to a post it on your forehead. You read it and it said, "Go get ready and change into the outfit I put out for you. I left you a clue as to where to go next to the breakfast I prepared for you. See you soon! - Matt" You did as it said and kept following the notes all day until you finally arrived to where he said he would be in the last clue. You saw him and he was holding a poster that said, "Will you be my gorgeous girlfriend?"

Sam- He asked you over to his house to hang out and so you went. When you got there he decided to do something different than the usual. He brought out a puzzle and you loved doing puzzles. He left to go get some snacks and when he came back down you were finished with the puzzle and it read, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Dillon-He came over for a movie night and he handed you some cheese puffs. You open them and notice a note, it reads "I hope you don't think this is cheesy but will you be my girlfriend?"

Taylor- He asks you on a date to a nice restaurant and buys you flowers. He gets a violinist to come and perform a song for you, then he gives you a box with a necklace. There's a note in the box that says "can I have the honor of calling you my girlfriend?"

Jacob- You were over at Jacob's house. He was filming a cover for a YouTube video. For some reason he wanted you to be there. When you got there he was doing a cover of "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran. After he was done he asked you, "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

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