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I slowly opened my eyes to see my care worker, Tori, shaking me awake. Tori has been like the mother I never had she helped me through tough times and helped me celebrate the good ones. As much as I loved her...I still wanted a real family.
"There's a couple that I think will like you!" She told me with a smile plastered across her face. I looked up and rolled my eyes.
"Nobody wants a teenager Tori..." she pulls me out of bed and throws some black ripped jeans and a dark red wool jumper at my face.

" she pulls me out of bed and throws some black ripped jeans and a dark red wool jumper at my face

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I pull myself up and look at myself in the tiny mirror on my wall. I cringe at the sight of myself. I knew I had bed hair but it had never been this bad. I grab my hair brush and have my daily battle trying to get the knots out of my thick (thicc) curly hair. I loosely plait it and throw it over my shoulder.

My bedroom is small and old. When I was younger my favourite colour was turquoise but now the colour has faded and therefore become ugly on my bedroom walls.

I plod down the cold wooden stairs of the care home and head to the kitchen to get breakfast. All the little kids were sat around the table patiently with Tori. I reach up to one of the high shelves for a slice of bread. Sometimes I am so glad that I am tall.

"Eloise...5 minutes"
I look up at Tori panicked. 5 minutes?! I impatiently wait for my toast to pop up from the toaster and then run to the meeting room whilst shoving toast in my mouth.

I take a seat on the armchair in the corner and fling my legs over the arm so I'm sitting on it sideways. I reach for a magazine that I have read millions of times before. This is my favourite magazine because it has Zoella on the cover. After a few minutes two tall men enter the room and take a seat opposite me on the small tattered couch. They sit very close to eachother. One has brown hair that is slightly curly and the other has jet blacked hair in a side fringe to the right.

" my name is Dan" the brown haired one says to me and gives me a weird two fingered salut thing. The man next to him mocks his movements. I smile slightly and look down towards my feet.
I hear a small thud and an "ow" and I look back up to see the black haired man gently rubbing his arm.
"That's what you get for being annoying" they both look up and smile at me. "Oh yes...and I'm Phil"

"So tell us a bit about yourself.." Phil asks me.

" name is Eloise and...I..."
I haven't been in an interview in years. Like I said: no body wants a teenager. I look up to Tori and she nods and starts talking a bit for me.

"Eloise is 13 years old and she likes reading, drawing and this other thing...what's it's called...ah yes! MeCylinder" she explains. I laugh.
"YouTube" I correct her. The men both look at eachother. Phil then turns to me and smiles. Wow he smiles a lot!

Tori leaves the room quietly and both men turn back to me.
"What kind of music do you like?" Dan asks me. I tell him that I don't like any specific band and that I like most things. Phil looks out the window and runs a hand through his hair.

'He's looking for someone else' I think to myself
'He doesn't want me'

He looks up to see my staring.
"Sorry" he says "fringe check"
I look down and smile again then look back up

" more questions?" I ask politely

"Umm no-" Dan begins but then gets cut off by Phil
"Yes! What is your favourite colour"
Dan rolls his eyes.

I shuffle on the armchair and sit cross legged on it. Why can't I just sit normally...
"Um I like dark blue" I tell him and he nods.

We all walk out the room. I rush up to my bedroom like I would after any normal interview and wait for any news.


"So..." the care worker, Tori I think her name is says to us with a bright smile. I look to Phil and he nods.

"Where are the papers?"


So here is a Dan and Phil adopt story and I hope that you enjoy it

If you want you can follow my Dan and Phil Instagram account: ph.ph_philiel.howell but you don't have because, I mean, it's nothing different from the other Dan and Phil accounts 😂

I will try to remember to do authors notes in bold to stop confusion 😄

Anyways, hope you have a good read!

Adopted By Dan and Phil Where stories live. Discover now