"I love her, and this movie has something for everyone, even you, dragon boy. Australian scenery, action, romance, Hugh Jackman with his shirt off, big soundtrack." 

The movie had already started, and they settled down either end of the couch. Mitch kept up a running commentary on the clothes, locations and dialogue. There was no more Chardonnay, so he went on to the white Zinfandel.

"Now this is a proper girl's drink. You can keep all that horrid beer," he said with a grimace. 

Avi switched back to water, observing his friend as he got more giggly and relaxed. Something was up, but there was no point in asking directly, so he got up and went back to the kitchen. He came back with two bowls of ice cream to find Mitch scanning his phone. As soon as he saw Avi he gave him a winning smile and put the phone down, holding out both hands.

"Come to mama. You know just what a girl needs, thank you, thank you."

Avi had to smile at the breathless show of gratitude, and handed the bowl over. They both made short work of dessert.

"So what have I done to get you all to myself this evening? Or can I expect another gatecrasher later?"

"Oh, I don't think so. It's just us, isn't this cosy?"

He put the bowl on the floor while shifting slightly closer to Avi, who picked that moment to excuse himself, pleading too much water. He returned from the bathroom to find Mitch's dark eyes fixed on him. He wore an unreadable expression, his cheeks slightly flushed from the wine and he had dropped his glasses on the floor. 

Avi picked them up. "You don't want to break these." 

He put them on the table while considering what to do. He was sure Mitch would talk if given the chance. He absent-mindedly pushed his hair off his face, thinking it was getting out of control again, while gesturing at the couch with the other hand. He had lost interest in the movie anyway, and picked up his phone.

"Make way, give me some room on my own couch."

Mitch edged towards the other end, but continued to gaze at Avi without speaking. The movie blared on forgotten in the background. While looking at his messages, Avi wondered what to do next. The silence stretched out, until with a small sigh he put down the phone and clasped his hands together. He looked down at the floor.

"What is up, Mitch? Somebody upset you? I hope it wasn't me –"

Mitch blurted out, "No, no it couldn't be you, you're always so good to me."

"Just tell me and I'll help you sort it out."

"I know. You're the strong one, always so wise, you know what to do." Mitch took a deep breath and swallowed hard. 

Avi looked up to see a tear trickling down Mitch's cheek. He had folded his small frame into a ball in the corner of the couch as though he was trying to disappear between the cushions. His eyes were shut tight and he shivered a little but he made no sound. This was troubling, and Avi scanned the room before spotting a box of tissues on the shelf. 

 He brought them over and sat next to Mitch. "I certainly don't have all the answers," he said gently. "Here, wipe your eyes. Crying is nobody's best look, you know."

Mitch complied, head bowed, and when he looked up his eyes were red.  

"So?" He nodded, hoping to encourage him. He hated Mitch to be upset and it was rare to see tears from him.

"I can't talk about it yet. But maybe a - a hug would help."

"Sure." He put an arm around Mitch's shoulders, and after a moment felt him relax. He rested his head lightly against Avi's arm and looked up at him with a small smile.

"That's so nice. You are a very handsome boy, did you know that?"

Avi blinked, then shook his head and removed his arm.

"What did I say?" He sounded hurt, but Avi took no notice. 

He tried to sound stern, and frowned at Mitch. "You can stop that, right now."

"Stop what?"

"Stop with the flirting. Yes, you know what I mean, it only gets you into trouble. I'm your friend, but this can't go on-- "

"But Avi- "

"Stop it. Or I will throw you out into the night, I mean it."

Mitch was looking brighter, and he put on a pleading voice.

"But you've been plying me with drink all night, I can't drive home like this. And anyway I'm tired." He pouted, which made Avi laugh out loud. In return Mitch giggled, obviously feeling better.

"For pity's sake," Avi said. "What do you really want?"

"Wanna stay here with you."

This brought a theatrical sigh and roll of the eyes from Avi, who went to find the remote and switch off the TV. Secretly he was more than happy to help. Knowing that Mitch trusted him gave him a warm feeling in his chest.

"OK then. You can have the couch, not sure if Kevin might be back later, so you're not having his bed."

Mitch nodded his agreement and when he came back from the bathroom the couch was supplied with a pillow and blankets, and a bottle of water nearby. He even had an old teeshirt to sleep in.

"That's so sweet of you. Tuck me in?"

Avi glared at him. "Seriously? Are you kidding me right now?"

Mitch shrugged and smiled innocently. "Can't blame me for trying though."

"Yes. Yes I can, but luckily we're still friends so I forgive you. Maybe you can tell me what's really up sometime."

"OK, deal. So this is good night then."

"It really is. Don't wake me up if you want to live."

As he closed the bedroom door Avi was still smiling, hoping that Mitch would find the right time to talk. He was soon asleep.

On the sofa Mitch lay looking up at the ceiling. He drained the water bottle and refilled it before getting out his phone and composing a message. He stared at for a few minutes before deleting it and settling down to a deep sleep.


So it begins -  hope you enjoyed this bit of fluff. I will upload each week, look out for them.

Vote and comment away, and follow me if you'd like to know about new stuff first!

The Pact sequel is a little way off still... think of this as an appetiser while you wait.

I don't make new year's resolutions really, how about you?

But this is always true: we can't go back and change the beginning of our story, but we can go forward and make a new ending. 🌱

Stay flawless, babes! 💖

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