Chapter 21 - The Game : Holiday Shot-IV

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"One minute and thirty-seven seconds", gasped Anushka, looking at the watch.

It was the new game they had invented - how long can they kiss without taking a breath.

"We can do much better than that", stated Prabhas, wrapping his arms more tightly around Anushka, who was lying on top of him.

"Wait for some time, lemme catch my breath", said her as she laid her head on his bare chest.

It was a cloudy afternoon and the couple had chosen to stay indoors and focus on the "indoor games" as Rana had said.

"Ready?", Sweety raised her head and challenged Prabhas. He gladly accepted it with a grin.

And they kissed. Again. And again. And again. Soon, the game was forgotten and sweet moans echoed in the suite as the rest of the noon slithered by.

* * * * *

In the evening, both decided to take a stroll around the resort. They went to different sides of the vast building, admiring its uniqueness and beauty. There were different paths leading to various views of the ocean. What was marvellous was that when they passed through each ways, it felt like entering into another magical world altogether.

Prabhas and Anushka had reached an open space at the east end of the island. It was a huge space intended for outdoor sports. A basketball court along with a medium badminton court was at one side, while a large volleyball court took the centre space.

Along the sides were grown beautifully pruned trees, under whose shade, an easy chair and a small teapoy was placed. A few people were napping there while others were sitting and enjoying a drink and the game of volleyball that was going on.

Prabhas and Sweety reached there and the game instantly captured his attention. Sweety nudged him to join the team and she went to sit under a tree to read a book of poetry that she had taken from their suite.

Prabhas was welcomed to the team and soon, the game had commenced and he was totally into it. Volleyball had always been his favourite and he often played it with his friends back home. But since he had been so busy with shoots, there was hardly any time to play. It was exhilarating to him to play after so long.

Anushka relaxed herself and read a few poems from the leather-bound book.

'A moment of happiness,
you and I sitting on the verandah,
apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.
We feel the flowing water if life here,
you and I, with the garden's beauty
and the birds singing.
The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
what it is to be a thin crescent moon.
You and I unselfed, will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
and in another form in a timeless sweet land.'

Anushka lifted her face to look at Prabhas. He was laughing out loud with his teammates, his hands on his hips. His nose crinkled and the sound of his laughter deep from his heart came to her ears as music. As the evening sun shone at his face, sweat beads gleamed on his forehead and his eyes twinkled in happiness.

Anushka's heart filled with a mystic warmth that she had never felt before. As she looked on, the warmth spread over her, blending in her blood and in her very atomic being as an intoxicating drug. He had become her addiction, her drug, her being.

She sat there, clutching the book on her lap, her eyes never leaving Prabhas. At that moment, his eyes met her's and Prabhas broke into a soft smile and she smiled back at him with the same tenderness of love.

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