[CH - 16] Arriving at the castle

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The whole gang trekked their way through the fields of meadows as they followed Reaper to the castle that was towering over the place.

Geno was tagging along with the rest as he remembered about the small child in his dream that looked like him. Geno was so lost in thought that he didn't realise that he was lagging behind. Reaper, however, notices Geno slowing down and decides to go help him.

He swiftly carried Geno bridal style, which caught Geno of guard as he clinged onto Reaper like a lifeline.
"Aww you love me~"
"Shut up" Geno pouted as Reaper took no notice and caught up to the rest of the gang.

"My number one OTP!!!" Cross squealed as he high fives Ink. Geno hid in his scarf, covering up the noticeable blush that was creeping up on his cheeks.
"Don't cover up your beautiful face, Gen~" Reaper said as he nudged the scarf off from Geno using his nose (?).

"We are here!" Nightmare exclaims as everyone sighs in relief. The castle was much bigger than they had thought. The crystal white marble glistened in the sunlight as pillars of stone stretched all the way to what seemed the sky itself. Huge oak doors awaited for the gang as they arrived at the castle.

Everyone slowly stepped forward as the doors opened suddenly. Behind the door, they were greeted by a huge room that looked like a ballroom and marble thrones set out in the shape of the crescent, circling a fountain in the middle. Everyone stood in awe taking no notice of the people, Well monsters who were sitting on the throne.

"KING ASGORE! WE HAVE INTRUDERS TO THE CASTLE!" The blue fish lady shouted across the room as she stood from her throne and glared at the group with anger.

"Undyne. Please calm down and let's see who is here," a big furry goat monster commanded as Undyne day down, looking pissed off.

"U-undyne! D-don't worry. They are not I-intruders!!" A small yellow lizard like monster replied, as she tried to cheer up Undyne.

"Son?" A voice was heard among the midst of the chattering.
"Dad?" Reaper looked around the room to search for the voice. Nightmare and Dust looked at Reaper in shock. In everyone else's mind they were shocked to see that Reaper's dad was one of these Gods.

"Son! It is you! I haven't seen you in ages!" A tall skeletal man with a black cloak like midnight stepped down from his throne and Reaper ran up to him giving him a hug.

"I missed you dad," Reaper said quietly as tears were forming in his eyes.
"I missed you too," he replied as he hugged Reaper tightly.

"Anyways, why have you mortals come to the heavens?" Asgore asked. Geno suddenly felt a pang of pain throughout his body. The word 'mortal' echoed in his head as it kept repeating. What was wrong with that word. Geno held the pain as Dream and Nightmare explained about the prophecy to Asgore.

"Oh. We haven't heard of such prophe-" Asgore said before he was interrupted by Geno.
"My....mum.." he said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"What is it young one?" Toriel asked Geno.
"They took my mum. My brothers. I need to save them. I NEED TO!!" Geno was hyperventilating. He crouched into a ball and was on the floor. The pain echoed in his skull as a faint tint of red magic was around Geno like an aura. Dream and Ink quickly helped Geno calm down but to no avail. Then Reaper ran to Geno giving him a hug. Slowly Geno lost consciousness and fell limp into Reaper's arms.

All the Gods were standing from their thrones in awestruck to what they just witnessed. Reaper then turned to his father and said,
"They took his mum and brothers, dad. I think they may have also taken mom too..." His dad looked at him with seriousness. Without hesitation he turned to Asgore.
"We need to find them. Immediately." He said sternly as Asgore agreed.
"Undyne. Send a search party across the land and the Earth. We need to help them. For now, you can all rest. Our servants shall escort you to your rooms." Asgore commanded as the group went to their rooms.


INK'S POV (wooooo)
As I sat in my bed, I examined the room that was given to me. It was basically a room for royalty so the big room was, well rather massive. To pull myself away from boredom, I took out my sketch pad and started doodling, making things come to life. Birds, flowers and even small animals! A bluebird landed on my head and started chirping a sweet song. It reminded me of a song I listened with Error. It was such a sweet time and I felt a pierce of anger to whoever went and captured him. I didn't notice that I was crying until someone talked from the door.

"My my! How is this possible?" Toriel stood in awe as she looked around the room. I quickly snapped out of my trance and looked over.
"Oh...um.. sorry for creating these..." I slowly replied.
"No. They are wonderful! I didn't know you had the gift of creation!" She exclaimed. I chuckled but I felt a tear fall down from my cheek.
"My child, what has gotten you upset?" She asked with a motherly tone as she sat down next to me.
"It's nothing! I-I'm fine.."
"It is obvious you are not. I am here to help you. Don't worry."
"Well. It is Error. He is one of Geno's brothers and well I might have a crush on him...."
"Aw that is sweet!" She laughed as I hid in my scarf in embarrassment.
"I haven't seen him for a while and I really want to confess my feelings but now he is kidnapped by someone and feel like I would never get the chance..."
"Don't worry. From what I have heard, I think this Error person is strong and brave to withstand anything. I am sure he will be back," Toriel said soothingly.
"Thank you"


Paperjam ran around his room, exploring every inch of the room from top to bottom. The room was much bigger than anyone could ever have and he was too excited to keep his excitement contained. Just as he relaxed into his bed he heard a voice.

"Would you like to see Fresh again? =)"

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