The Vows and Surprise

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I know I've used this song before but I think it's perfect. Also, if anyone recognises the vows from anything, message me. I based the vows on a wedding in my favourite TV Show.

Anyone to guess the TV show and the couple gets a shoutout sometime later on.

Love you all...

Alex's POV

The bright sun glared through the window as I opened my eyes slowly. My head hurt and I felt weak, like I was on drugs. My vision was hazy, all I saw was colours, no shapes.

"Alex?" Kara's voice sounded far away but I could tell she was right next to me. "Hey, she's awake!" She yelled, making me flinch when it made my head hurt more. "Oh, sorry." I felt a hand grab mine and realised it was her.


"It's me. I'm right here. You hit your head hard and got a pretty bad concussion but everything should be okay."


"Is coming. You've only been out for three hours." She let go of my hand, making me slightly worried that I didn't know where she was. I looked in her direction but saw a blur.

"Alex? Hey babe. How are you?" As soon as I heard Maggie's voice, my vision started becoming clearer until I could see completely fine.

"Better now that you are here. What happened?"

"I ran into the room to watch Kara being beaten up by a man and you unconscious next to them. I got the man off Kara, who was almost dead at that point. She healed quickly under the sunlight and came straight in here with me when they brought you out of the examination room."

"Is everyone okay?"

"David had a gun to his head before anyone could react. Kara and I watched as he pulled the trigger. He is the only casualty."

"What about the Nazi's?"

"They are gone and the other Kara is back on Earth X. We have created a device that allows us to monitor any breach made around the city. If they come back, we'll know.

Alex's POV

It had been a week since I fully recovered and we were trying this for the second time. Maggie said her vows again and now it was my turn. It took me a long time to write them but I knew now that I didn't need them. I had something else, something more meaningful.

"While I was stuck in that cell last week, I decided to write a note to the people that mean the most to me. In case you guys ever found my body, there is a section for Kara, J'onn... and you." I smiled at Maggie and she smiled back. I grabbed the piece of paper from my bra and sighed before starting to read the section I wrote for Maggie. "And now, to my world, my rock, my star. How is it possible that simply looking into that fine face of yours makes me so happy? Why does it bring me so much joy that every time I... try to sneak a peek at you, you are already looking at me?" I paused when she giggled, knowing how true the statement is. "How is it that I am said to be rational and quick thinking but around you, all of that changes and the world stops spinning. Like you, it doesn't make sense, but like you... it feels right. If I ever do escape this hellhole, I will find a time and a place to tell you... that you make my life messy and confusing... and unfocused and irrational, and wonderful. This is that time and this is that place."

I grabbed the ring from Kara, standing there with a tissue to her eye and mascara running everywhere. Winn was also crying but grinning like a dork. I looked around at my mother and Maggie's stepmother. They were both smiling, happy that their girls were happy. I just wish Maggie's father would have made it. J'onn had an unreadable expression on his face and I knew that meant he was happy and didn't want to show it. I turned back to the beautiful woman in front of me and grabbed her left hand, putting the glimmering ring on her hand.

"By the power invested in me by too many hours of internet research and a crappy little certificate... I hereby announce you, wife ... and ... wife! You may kiss the uh... brides." Winn exclaimed and everyone stood, laughing and clapping as I was dipped and kissed passionately.

"I thought you didn't like showing Public Displays of Affection, Mrs Danvers!" I whispered into her ear, still being held close to the ground by the strong arms of Maggie

"I'll give you this one time, Mrs Danvers!" She said and kissed me again, lifting me and we continued to kiss. We both pulled away and everyone in the room seemed to disappear as I stared at my now wife's eyes. This was all real, I had just married the love of my life and now we can spend an eternity together.

At the reception, Kara and I were talking to some old friends from Middle about when we played as royals and I got 'married' to when an alert went off on my phone.

'He is ready to be picked up, get the Girl of Steel over here.'

"Kara?" I turned to my sister, who was still grinning wider than ever.

"Yes, your majesty?" I rolled my eyes and made a request. She nodded with a strangely serious look on her face and walked briskly away. I turned back to Maggie and smiled cheekily.

"What are you up to? Where is Kara going?" She raised an eyebrow and linked arms with me as we walked together outside where we could get away from everyone and be alone for a few minutes.

"Oh, you'll see. In about one hour you will get the surprise of your life."

I wrapped the blindfold around Maggie's eyes and led her out to the garden. She almost tripped a few times but I helped her keep her balance. We arrived at the empty field where a tall man was sitting with a picnic basket and a blanket. I sighed with happiness and excitement, taking the rag off Maggie's face and watching her confused look turn to utter joy when she realised what was happening.

"Papa!" She ran to the picnic area and hugged her father. A tear rolled down my face at the sight of my wife so happy. I turned and nodded at Kara with gratitude, who nodded back and walked back to the reception area. I looked back over at my wife. She was happy now.

That's all that mattered to me.

A Thousand Years - Sanvers (Earth 90 Sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن