What a Homecoming

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Pain shot up my spine, and it felt as though the breath had just been knocked out of me. I was beyond pissed at this point. I mean who did this guy think he was to just go throwing girls around! I angrily ripped off my helmet and looked up at him. He looked stunned for a moment, because that was all the time I gave him- a moment. I shot up and did the one thing Kyle told me to do if a man ever put his hands on me again, I hit him... hard.

By the way I punched him square on the jaw I knew he wasn't expecting it. He didn't even have time to register what had just happed before I landed another punch on the opposite side of his face. I smirked with satisfaction knowing he was getting just what he deserved. It was easy to see now that he had gotten over his initial surprise, and realized I wasn't going down without a fight.

Threateningly, he stepped toward me and spit out, "so the bitch thinks she can fight?"

I watched him as he neared me. Calculating my next move I muttered, "Looks like you're about to find out." I quickly jabbed left, to which he deflected. Before he had time to think, I shot out my left leg, and tripped him at the ankles. He was flat on his back, much to his surprise, "look who's on their back now, bitch." At this point he looked up and his eyes sparked. He was fuming with anger, and it appeared as though he were about to get up and try to go against me again.

Suddenly I heard an authoritative voice behind me. "Miss Chase, Mr. Mantovani, my office. Now!"


I know the feeling of being uncomfortable quite well, but nothing could compare to this. I was sitting right next this idiot, and the tension in the air was palpable. We both had our heads down as we awaited our punishment. We had been sitting here for literally five minutes as Principle Daum glared at us intently. After another thirty seconds, he looped around his desk and stood in front of it. A very uncomfortably close distance from us.

"Look at me. Now!" he yelled. We both rose our heads as he continued, "Not even five minutes into both of yours first day and somehow you both were able to make a joke out of my school. I am surprised you Miss Chase. You are not this person, and you should be disappointed in yourself. And you Mr. Mantovani, well needless to say this is the type of person you are so I don't even know why am surprised. I spoke to your father and told him that if you even so stepped out of line this year, you would have to find another school that would take a nobody like you in. You crossed the line today Mr. Mantovani, and because of this incident-"

"Because of this incident what exactly," they guy said icily. He looked at Principal Daum with broodingly dark eyes. "You're going to expel me? I'd like to see you try. Now if you're done wasting my time, I'll be on my way," he stated as he stood up and grabbed his coat.

Just as he was nearing the door, Principal Daum shouted after him, "I may not be able to expel you -yet- but you will have to attend Saturday school with Miss Chase for the rest of the month."

Mantovani, or whatever his name was just casually shouted behind him as he left the office, "We'll see." I looked up at Daum with a questioning glance, nonverbally asking if I were okay to go.

"Yes, you can go Miss Chase. I must warn you though, if you get into more trouble I will have to call your father." I nodded slowly then gathered my belonging and headed out of his office. I was completely over this day, hell I was over this year. As I made my way to the main office I felt eyes following me the whole way. It's like nobody in this town had anything better to do than to stick their nose in other people's business. They obviously led such boring lives they couldn't help but gossip. I rolled my eyes as I entered the office. I went up to the secretary. She had frizzy salt and pepper hair and rhinestone reading glasses. I'm pretty sure she'd been working here for the past thirty years.

"Hi Mrs.," I eyed the desk for her name, "Boggs. My name is Adelina Chase, and I was wondering if I could pick up my schedule." Her eyes critically roamed over me. They stayed on me for an unusually long time.

"Ah yes, Miss Chase I have your schedule right here. Here is your locker combo, and second period started ten minutes ago so you best get a move on." She scolded.

"Thanks," I said sourly. I walked the empty hallways as I made it to my locker. Once I got there I opened it and put some of my things inside. I picked up my schedule and looked through it. The schedule did block, so I only had four classes today. The schedule read:


1st period: Biology

2nd period: World Literature


3rd period: Spanish

4th period: World History

Before I could put the schedule away, my locker slammed shut almost closing on my fingers. I stepped back quickly to see who it was. I saw straight platinum blonde hair and immediately felt myself fill with disgust. Nora took a threatening step towards me, "Well I don't believe it. When they told me the Adelina Chase was here today, I told them no it can't be. Why would that sad, pathetic, fat loser dare show her face here again. You are an embarrassment-"

"Okay," I cut her off. "Cut the bullshit Nora. You can bitch me out any other time, but I already missed first period because one idiot. I don't need a second idiot making me miss this period." I shoved passed her, and made my way to class.

I was done with the bullshit this year. This morning may have started off dramatic, but the rest of the year won't be. I need to just focus on my father, and keep my head low. I am determined to just get through it, but if someone tries to make a fool of me again I will make them regret it, regardless of the consequences. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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