Chapter 1: Failed experiment...

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(Y)= Your name/You

At Germany, 1942

Group of Scientist and of them is William, the scientist who create some weapons to fight against the Union of Britain and it's Allies. The weapons were shape like a giant metallic satellite ray. At the sane time, William and his team found something that look like Light-Blue crystal at the mining. Right now, William make a theory of the Crystal that it can be use as weapons and it can be test for their new weapons. Meanwhile, (Y) visit the lab.

(Y): Dr. William, it nice to meet jou.

William: It nice to meet jou too, liuetenant (Y) (L).

(Y): Zo vhat kind of veapons jou'll make?

William: Jou heard about my project, huh? Vell I'll made a veapon that make a destruction towards those Union ov Britain, the Reich II.

(Y): Vhy jou name it from our Empire?

William: I'm a scientist doesn't mean I know how to create name.

(Y): Sorry, meine freunde.

William: Anyvay, zis veapon vill destroy entire Union and it allies with this. *showing the Crystal*

(Y): Crystal?

William: Zis crystals are not vhat you think. It vas vhe ammunition of the Reich III.

(Y): vhat it could possibly do?

William: Vatch zis! *throw the crystal towards the empty cup*

As the Crystal hit the cup and shattered, the cup disappeared.

(Y): Vhoa! Impossible!

William: I know right? That vhy I use zis as Reich III ammunition.

(Y): Okay zen. Vhen vill ve start?

William:*grab the lever* Right now... *pull the lever*

The Reich III start to lighting up means it about to launch it until Doctor realise he made a mistakes, very very stupid mistakes.

William: oh no! I forgot!

(Y): Vhat is it?!

William: I launch it to ze vrong place!!!

(Y): Vhat?! Make it stop!

William: *tried to stop but failed* I can't it broke!

(Y): Vhere it about to Vired!?

William: *check the coordinates* Ottoman Empire...

The ray has launch it fire to the sky and it headed towards the Ottoman Empire and it territory (Middle east). Turkish citizens saw the blue-light lazer about to hit their nations, so they scream in horror and few minutes later, Ottoman Empire disappeared with it territory.

William: The ray start to vired itself!

(Y): Vind a vay to make it stop and bring our alliance back!

William: *checking the ray but the spark keep him away* I can't!

The Ray launch it fire to the skies and make Austro-Hungarian Empire disappeared too. Suddenly, the ray about to Explode itself.

(Y): It about to explode!

William: Vatch out!

As they find their cover, the ray self-destruct itself and crystal inside the ray causing German Empire and it territory disappeared from the earth.

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