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Mykie repeatedly tapped her pencil on her desk as she waited for class to start. Her first-hour class was easily her least favorite. The only reason she was eager for it to start was so it could be over. It might have been a good class if the teacher didn't suck major balls. Mr. Fitzgerald wasn't really even a teacher since he didn't teach. He just kind of... dumped projects onto them and expected them to know what they were doing.

But they didn't.

So naturally, she was thrilled when Mr. Fitzgerald waltzed into the room and announced they were going to be working on a NEW project! What a surprise.

Mr. Fitzgerald explained the project to all of them for a whole two seconds and then started assigning partners, even though he didn't normally care enough to do so. Typically Mykie worked with Mari, who sat next to her and never paid attention because they always had their earbuds in. Mykie wasn't particularly interested in working with anyone besides Mari because she didn't really interact with anyone else in the class.

"Mattie Frederick with Nedd Bear, Chip Rothfarb with Stan Pann..."

She hoped it was at least someone whose name she knew. Because in most of her classes, Mykie she only knew the names of like two or three people. 

"Orville Elefante with Paz Pigpatch, Mykie Foxx with Zoe Clabaugh, Carby Can-do with Hadar Hippo..."

Wait, shit. THAT wasn't what she meant. She could already feel the other girl staring at her from across the room. Again. But this time she knew for a FACT it was because Zoe was trying to let her know her displeasure. This was going to be a fun way to start off the school day.

Mr. Fitzgerald finished listing off names and everyone got up to meet with their partners. Mykie went and took a seat across from Zoe, assuming she wouldn't waste her energy coming to her.

"Hi." Mykie greeted.

"Hello." Zoe replied, her voice sounding extremely bored, but not in a genuine way for some reason?

"I guess we're partners now."

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