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I'm alive! I've been busy with school and art club and working on my new book we'll talk about that later. I've been quite busy.

I will try to update more with the help of my best friend Mia and or Aleeza( follow Aleeza @I_SHIP_HANNIE ) She has really good books and she's my best friend. The book I'm working on is actual hers I'm working on it with her and I'm gonna publish it on my account as well. I might also do translations for the book to Korean and Spanish.

The book is NOT kpop related it is Hannie and a few other ships but mostly Hannie you can read the book without knowing who they are but I think it would be easy to understand if you knew a little bit about them. But anyway go check her out I will try to update more often.

QOTC: How do you feel about Junghyun's death?

Bye bye
~Jossie (•~•)

P.S I had to rewrite this because what I just posted was like three months ago I already rewrote it but I don't know what happened.

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