Pissed- Spencer Reid

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Prompt- you're mad. Spencer helps you overcome it in an unexpected way.

Warnings- if you consider pissed a bad word, then language

You were pissed. The case that the team was working on had no leads. You still don't have enough evidence for a profile.

You look over the clues you do have one more time, eyes lingering on each item more than the last. "I don't know and I don't like not knowing!" (A/N- If you get this reference, I will love you forever) you growl.

"Hey, uh (Y/N), are you okay? I just want to make sure you're okay, because if you're not, then what's wrong? I mean, you don't have to tell me, but I would like to know, because when something's wrong with you, I feel bad not being able to help, so could you please tell me what's wrong or, I mean you don't have to, that's okay too," Spencer says shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
"Spence, what do you make of this? I can't find anything other than what we've got, and I've looked over this at least nine times already," you say, crossing your arms over your chest and tapping your foot in impatience.

Spencer looks over the pictures on the board. "Well, there's a pentagram at each of the crime scenes. If you look here," he points to a certain picture, "and here," he points to another picture, "then you'll notice the pentagram written in blood," he says.

You furrow your brow, scanning each picture in more detail. You point to more pentagrams in the other crime scene photos. Your expression changes from irritation to concentration to joy.

"Spencer! We can create a profile now! One thing that all of the victims have in common was that they were all athiests. The unsub is a Christian. The unsub is male, and most likely believes that athiests are devil worshippers, which is wrong. The victims are those that have been close to the unsub in childhood or are family, because of the kill method,"you say, jumping up and down, and not noticing the rest of the team crowding around you.

You kiss his cheek and dash off to start working. Spencer's jaw is hung open in awe. "I would have never got all that from one small detail," Derek says, then he looks at Spencer, "you gotta ask her out, pretty boy. She seems pretty interested after that display of affection."

"I heard that!" You yell in his ear. Derek covers his ear and turns around. "Good!" He yells back, going to do the profile. You snort.

"By the way, Spence, thanks for lightening up my mood. I was pissed until you pointed out the pentagram," you say, "oh, and meet me at the café down the street after work. Call it a date." You turn around and follow Derek.

"Get some, Spencer!" Derek yells from across the room. Spencer's face is now redder than a tomato.

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