Before the Transfer part 2 (Chapter 2)

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The gang gotten back to heavenly host. Our protagonist, Rumiko was scared enough to even think of transferring schools. The white but silver haired female told her friends about it. She mostly wants to forget everything that has happen from heavenly host. Satoshi looks a bit of surprised at Rumiko about going to transfer out of her own school to forget. The other members of Rumiko's group of friends doesn't want her to transfer out.

"Rumiko, you should have thought about it reasonably than making a rash decision like that.", Shinozaki said to her. Rumiko looks to the girl and smiles slightly before her looks down with a slight frown. In Rumiko's mind she is compelling to agree with Ayumi about this. Also she did think while they were at heavenly host elementary, about what would happen if Rumiko was alone.

"I did think while we were at the haunted school building. I thought that it would be best if I transfer out with a new life. I thought I was going to die alone without anyone into my head." The silver haired female comply with the blue haired female reasoning. The brown haired male nods before he had a chance to speak.

"I agree with Rumiko ideas and beliefs about the subject. She does want to start a new life, a new adventure, and a new chapter of her life." Satoshi told his friends about this idea. Even though he also despises this idea, he has to support his older sister. "I do want to contact Rumiko to only keep in touch." He told them.

Rumiko nods her head,"I will keep in contact with you guys. You guys been there for me and since we gotten to do a charm to do so, it's pretty clear that we are forever best friends." She smiles a bit happier. Ayumi sighs slightly,"Will you come visit us?" she assked Rumiko. Rumiko replies,"Of course I will.."

Satoshi said,"We better get going, we have a lot to explain our parents." Everyone agrees to leave the school after satoshi said something. As everyone went out of the school campus, Rumiko walks into a different location to walk home. During that time, it was because Rumiko remembers something, the night that she had to go to a concert.

One other person who knows she is going to a concert, is her brother and her best friend, Ayumi. Her brother completely forgotten to go she has a concert to go too. Though it wasn't any normal concert, it was a boy band that Rumiko loves. As Satoshi was following Rumiko, he snuck into the concert.


At the concert, Rumiko was in the audience which she is the back. The fans were chanting the pop group name which was Starish. Satoshi looks and wonders,'Rumiko likes this?!' he thought out loud. Rumiko heard his thought,"Satoshi? What you doing here?!?" She yelled at him in a way to speak to him. Satoshi jumps after know that Rumiko had yelled into his ear.

Rumiko looks at Satoshi a bit waiting for his response. Satoshi looked and yelled,"I came here to get you home!" Rumiko shook her head,"You don't need to do that." she yelled back at him. Even though they were yelling only because the concert itself was loud.


After the concert was over. Rumiko decided to had back home to her place. Satoshi follows her back as well. While Satoshi went to follow Rumiko, he saw her facial expression was sadden. Once The brown male walked into the house. "Rumiko, why are you planning to transfer schools?" 

"I just want to forget what happen at that.." The female was trying to think of another word besides horrid.  "That fictional school." The word that popped into her head was fictional since their parents didn't know what have happen to Yuka. 

"I understand why you want to forget, but we would still remember even if anyone couldn't remember her." Satoshi told her. The male wanted his sister to stay at the school. Satoshi thought about keeping her at the same school, they been in to keep her happy. 

Rumiko looks at Satoshi after she sighed quietly, "I will be transferring schools that is final." It was Rumiko's decisions to transfer schools. She knows that her brother might try to convince her to stay. She doesn't want to talk about what happen to Yuka at all. 


A/N note: I know it's been about a month since I have updated. Its just that I've been busy with school and family. Also i am at school in the moment, so I can update during my last class which is a two block class. I am going to update the cover in my stories too soon. 

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