Before the transfer (Chapter 1) Also part 1

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This is before Uta No Prince~Sama Universe for Rumiko. This is the corpse party days when Corpse party was popular *Coughs* 2013 *Coughs*


Late at night during the spring festival. It was about closing time for Kisaragi Senior high school. There was a small group of students stayed after not only to clean up. Only to talk about how they were going to miss their friend as that friend is moving away from the school. We have our silver haired and green eyes female with these students at the time she was only in her second year at Kisaragi high school. There was a blue haired female, a couple of brunette haired females, a blue haired male, a blond haired male who seems confident, and A brown hair male. They were all in an empty classroom, telling stories well more so horror stories. Until a teacher of the students. The brown haired male jumped as he heard the door opened. It was their teacher, Ms. Yui who seems to be surprised at them for staying after this late.

"What are you all staying after this late at night?" Ms. Yui asked the students. The blue haired female looks at the teacher with a relief on her face.

"Ms. Yui, we thought we would do a charm to keep being friends with Mayu." The blue haired female said. The blonde haired looks at his friend. "Class rep and all of us wants to stay friends with Mayu." He was adding it to the blue haired girl saying to the teacher.

Ms. Yui looks a bit and said,"I will make sure you all be safe, so go ahead." She told them. The blue haired girl looks them before pulling out the charm doll which will be using a charm.

"I found a charm that will bring us together. It by a person name Naho and she put it online, so I thought we should do this charm to bring us together with Mayu." The blue haired female looks to her friends.

the brown haired male looks at his friend,"What if something bad happens?!" He get scared before they even does the charm. The blonde haired male looks,"Satoshi don't be like that scared. You have to man up to this man." The silver haired female looks at them and giggles a little bit. "You are such a afraid like a cat are you Satoshi?" She teased her younger brother. Even though there was one more person that was coming to the same classroom with everyone else.

The purple haired female who seems to be little younger in the high school scene of all the this. "Onii~chan, mom told me to come here to give you town an umbrella since it is raining outside." She told her two older siblings. The brown haired but no accessory in her hair walked up to them,"You have such an adorable little sister Satoshi and Rumiko."

Satoshi looks at her with a look as if he was blushing. "N-n-noami t-t-than..." Rumiko started laughing a bit and said,"Thanks Nakashima."

Naomi looks,"Lets do the charm." The blue haired female explained how the charm worked. Then they do the charm incorrectly.


Now they are at Heavenly host elementary.

After the charm didn't work. Rumiko woke up with a major headache. Even though she was alone in a strange classroom, it didn't seem right for her. The class was a bit run down and it didn't seem to fit with the rest. When Rumiko gotten up, she started to walk around and look for a window to see where she was.

Once she gotten to the window. Her hand put her on the window to only look outside. She notice dead bodies. Her own body shivered and jumped making Rumiko scared. After a couple of minutes of Rumiko being scared. She realized that she isn't at Kisaragi, she is at a school that her class rep mention. "Heavenly host?" She started to question herself. While she is questioning herself, she walked out of the classroom to look for the others.

After a couple of hours of looking for others, she say class rep which was Ayumi Shinozaki. She look a bit happy about seeing her friends. "Class Rep and Yoshiki, where is everyone?" Rumiko asked the both of them.

Ayumi shook and said,"I don't know where the others are. We have to look for them." Yoshiki nods as he was agreeing. Then the three went out.

After a while the three found Satoshi and Yuka. Rumiko was happy about. Also she was upset about losing her friend in the process of doing so. Once they gotten to Sachiko which is the girl in the red dress. they did the charm again until, the zombie principal killed yuka in front of Rumiko. Rumiko was upset that happen but she knew they needed to do the charm. Once they did the charm everyone but four people didn't come back with them.

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