totally a date.

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Hirai pouted again, hugging the younger one tighter than before. Burying her head in Dahyun's neck, she whines, "Don't go, Dahyun-ahh! He's a bad guy, bad playboy!" She chanted the last sentence, over and over again. An audible sigh came out from Dahyun's mouth, as she slowly pushed Hirai from her arms.

"Unnie, I'll be back before midnight. Don't worry." With her brows knitted together, Hyun closed the door of their dorm. Right in front of Hirai's face.

Hirai let out an annoyed sound. She dialled a number she trusted, still, looking annoyed. "Wang, help me."
✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ✧

Park felt someone tapping his shoulder, sending shudder to his body on that windy night. He smiles. Park was sure that she's the one he's waiting for. He turned to his back, feeling his cheeks already burning. He knew he shouldn't felt like that, but oh well. You can't blame him when he saw her in that oversized black hoodie. Cute. As usual.

He saw her smile getting brighter when she saw him. "Nice to meet you, Jimin sunbae." It was a polite greeting, but still. He felt his heart skipped a beat. Again. For the hundredth times already. He nodded once. Park knew he was smiling for ear to ear in front of the younger girl, but he can't hide his feelings anymore. He wanna let her know everything, that night. "You look cute tonight, Hyun."

She felt dumbfounded. She blinked her eyes few times, confused. Raising a brow, her smile before turned into an awkward one. "Urm.. Thanks?" Kim cheeks then reddened. Not because of his sweet words before, but because of his soft chuckles. Hearing him laugh makes her heart go crazy, in an unexplainable way.

He was about to drag her go, until he noticed something she's hiding from him behind her petite figure. "What's that, Hyun?" She now noticed the gift she bought him earlier that night. "Oh, this. I bought it for you earlier." Her lips curved into a grin again as she handed him a small pink box. "Open it up!"

Jimin did. It was a strawberry cupcake, with a chibi Dahyun keychain besides it. Furrowing his brows, he can't help but admires her pure and innocent heart. She should be worried to meet him at such a crowded place like the fair, but instead she looks happy. Damn, she makes him fall even deeper. She raised her heels from the ground to match her height with Jimin's, peeking at the box too. "Do you like it? I saw the cupcake and thought of you, so I bought it!" She cheered.

He nodded, locking gaze with hers. It will be a good night, he thought. At least, that's what he thought.
✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ✧

Hey, it's me! I'm back after months of no update, sorry though.. ;_; Here's some gifts for being so supportive towards me. Have a nice day! :))

Credit me if you use these, thanks! :D

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