How not to train and bets are placed

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AUTHOR's Note : Sorry it has taken me So long to update. But here is the next Chapter. 

"Are you okay All Might?" Izuku dusted himself off as if he had just done something as simple as dusting away cobwebs, seemingly unfazed by the fact he had kicked through concrete.

"I'm fine, thank you Young Midoriya." All Might smiled, his student kept surprising, every step of the way.

"Midoriya, that you? Holy crap that was some destructive power!" Kaminari jogged over

"Yeah, I thought you were a puncher?" Kirishima looked over from where he was working.

"Oh, yeah, usually. But we're working on new moves right? And there are plenty of heroes out there who punch, I though I could make a new move with a new style." Midoriya quickly explained. "What do you think?"

"Well, i am thinking I feel sorry for any villain that goes against you, seeing how you can kick through concrete, and that I am glad we're not enemies." Kaminari muttered, Izuku chuckled lightly.

At the end 1-B crashed the last few minutes of their training, and left Aizawa to inform everyone about the provisional exam, how they would be taking it in different arenas.

"We can't know what will be on the exam but there's no doubt it will be rough." Aizawa said "Don't fixate on that too much, of course, but don't forget either." He warned. The classes nodded.

That evening, Izuku went into the communal kitchen and filled up a water bottle, his mind else where. He had to train more, get better then he was... he could allow himself to get caught again.

"Midoriya, are you going somewhere?" He turned and saw Iida, behind him he could see the majority of his classmates.

"Yeah, just outside. I want to try and get the right kind of kick for Shoot Style, how much power I can put into it and just general ideas I can brainstorm to use Shoot style for." Izuku nodded, tightening the lid on his bottle, his mind slowly began to wonder. If I have more tricks, I won't be able to be caught off guard anymore, I can protect my friends as well as ensuring my own safety. I can't be an effective hero if I end up getting kidnapped by villains to protect others...

"Izu!" Hitoshi was right next to him, Izuku jumped at little. "Are you okay? You kind of went out there. You usually don't get that lost in thought."

"Yeah, just..." Izuku stopped, and it was quite clear to everyone what was on his mind. "I have to get better, need more tricks so they can't keep up, so they don't know what I will do next."

"We still have 3 years here, you have time..." Hitoshi began

"But, do I?" Izuku looked at him, looking really concerned. "I am a target, have been for years, but since training to be a hero the target has gotten bigger... and they are not going to stop." Hitoshi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you'll probably be a target for the rest of your life." He nodded.

"Real smooth Shinso, real smooth." Bakugo snarled.

"Just shut up and listen okay?" Hitoshi glared at him, before turning back to his best friend. "Anyway, yeah, probably be  target for the rest of your life, but there are two things you can do. One is do what you want to do, try and out think them, out work them, but just making it easier for them by wearing and tearing yourself down." Izuku looked down, knowing he was telling the truth. "Or you can continue like they don't exist, work as hard as you usually do, do what you normal do and don't give them a moment of your day, because when you do, they've won." Hitoshi then smirked. "Beside, if you plan to over work yourself, I'm telling dad." Izuku looked at him, before sighing.

"Fine..." He said.

"Great, now get into  your pyjamas, we're watching a movie!" Hitoshi beamed. With the rest of the class watching, Izuku knew he had little chance of getting out of it.


That's how Izuku was squished between Hitoshi and Todoroki, Mina and Uraraka sitting near his legs. They were watching the Disney film Hercules. But barely 1/4 of the way through, the class was more content about listening to Izuku mutter about everything wrong with the film, and they meant everything. Hitoshi eventually grabbed a few marshmallows from a bowl near by and stuffed them into his mouth, Izuku choked slightly, but glared at Hitoshi. The rest of the film continued, by the time it ended a few members of the class were asleep, Izuku and Todoroki included, the two of them happily leaning against each other. Uraraka immediately pulled out her phone and began taking pictures, whilst the other girls cooed over them. The guys just looked at each other. 

"Thing they'll finally figure it out?" Sato asked

"I bet Midoriya will, not sure about Todoroki." Sero smirked.

"Did I hear bet?" Mina looked at them.

"We're too young to bet!" Iida immediately jumped in to stop it before it got further, but no one was listening as they were all placing bets on how Analyst and Ice king would get together, if they even did. Even Iida gave in and placed a bet.

"Now, all we can do it wait." Hitoshi smirked. "But keep the bets hush, Izuku will kill us he found out, metaphorically of course." the class nodded, and left the two boys asleep on the sofa. 

They were found an hour later by Aizawa and Yamada, which ended in Aizawa having to drag Yamada way as he tired to get a picture. He did mange to get a good one, and sent to Aizawa, who in turn sent to Inko. She looked at the photo with a small, to be young and in love, she sighed happily.


It was around 3 in the morning when one of the final began to rouse from their sleep, and that was Todoroki. It took him a moment to remember what had happened the night before, then realising he had fallen asleep downstairs. He went to moved, hut was suddenly aware of someone leaning on him. He turned and saw Izuku cuddled up against him. His Mind short Circuited,Midoriya was sleeping against him... How long had they been like this? Did the rest of the class see them? His cheeks grew warm, he glanced back at sleeping Midoriya, resisting the Sudden urge to reach out and run his fingers through his green curls . . . they looked so soft. It was a few minutes later when he fell to his urge , he had been right. Izuku's hair was incredibly soft, it was like petting a cat , it was relaxing too. 

"Todoroki?"Izuku mumbled,tiredly. Todoroki's hand pulled away,Izuku was watching him a little confused. Before Izuku had a Chance to say anything else, Todoroki had already fled the room, Leaving Izuku Sitting alone. 

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