Special training

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The next morning, everyone was awake, but dazed. Aside from Hitoshi and Izuku who had been up for a while and did some early morning exercises as they usually did. They had both agreed that they weren't going to stop their normal morning routine because of camp.. Vlad King and Aizawa watched them from the window with the Pussy cats.

"Well, they'll be prepared." Pixi-bob smirked.


"Today the real training camp begins. Ideally, you will all emerge stronger. Strong enough to acquire your provisional licenses." Aizawa told him. "More specifically, there's a growing hostile force out there. Through this, you'll be prepared to face it. So stay sharp and work hard. To start, here Bakugo." Aizawa threw him a ball. "Try throwing this."

"This is form the strength trials." Bakugo muttered.

"Last time, right after school started, your record was 705.2 meters. How much have you grown since then?" Aizawa said.

"Here we freaking go." Bakugo threw it, yelling at the top of his lungs. "GO TO HELL!" A machine beeped.

"709.6 meters." Aizawa held it up.

"Huh? Not much further than before..." The class muttered.

"What was everyone expecting?" Hitoshi asked, looking genuinely confused at his classmates.

"We've all be through a lot, but those events have only helped us improve our techniques and helped our minds to mature... well, most of us." Izuku stole a glance at Bakugo, who glared at him darkly. "None of us have actually worked on improving our own physical fitness. Unless some of you guys have been training aside from school work." Izuku finished, everyone looked at him. "This camp with test our limits to the fullest." Aizawa nodded.

"This will be so harsh you'll wish you were dead, so do your best to stay alive!" Aizawa added


And with that, everyone was set to training, everyone seemed to be facing how to raise their limits and strengthen themselves against their weakness. Izuku found his training to be like his usual training standard, training his strength with Tiger, the only male member of the Pussycats, who were a four hero team. Pixi-bb, Mandalay, Ragdoll and Tiger. Izuku had had a short talk with Ragdoll before his strength training as their quirks worked in similar ways.

Her quirk - Search. It allowed her to know everything about anyone she laid eyes upon that included weaknesses and location. She could search up to 100 people at the time.

So going to her for a little more insight of how that was seemed like a logical reason, especially if his own Analysis was evolving to a stage where he could analyse more the one thing at a time. She gave him a few pointers and told it was more about learning to deal with it. That he would get used to it.

So, he stuck with getting strength training. As he was stretching he could Class B approached, he almost smirked at them as the looked at Class A training with horrified and worried looks.

"Come at me!" Tiger suddenly turned on Izuku, who replied with a smirk. He lunged at Tiger, who dodged with ease, but that was all Izuku was waiting for. He jumped up slightly and punched down, knocking Tiger into the ground. For a single moment, everyone stared. The Pussycats began giggling at the sight. "Good job kid, you're getting good."

"That's what training nonstop for 3 years does. " Izuku smirked. "Another round?" He asked. Evidently, Tiger didn't want to get punch by Izuku again, so made him help strengthening Class B.


When it came to dinner, thy had to make it themselves. Izuku and Hitoshi, so used to helping out at home, were flexible, going around helping everyone. By the end of everyone's hard work, they had made a really nice curry. Izuku was carrying his own plate to the table when he saw Kota in the corner of his eye, he stopped and saw the boy going off on his own. He glanced towards his classmates, then decided that he would follow after Kota. Aizawa noticed him walking after the kid, but said nothing.


Izuku found Kota sitting outside a cave over looking the forest. He stopped and just watched him for a moment, before he heard Kota's stomach growl. Izuku smiled and shook his head.

"You know you should have brought a plate of food with you." Izuku stated softly, still able to surprise the kid. "Luckily, I brought one for you."

"How did you find me?" Kota demanded.

"Followed your footsteps." Izuku answered. He lifted up the curry. "Want this?"

"Nope! Don't want it! Like I said, I don't feel like fraternizing with you people. So get away from my secret base!" Kota growled.

"Secret base huh..." Izuku glanced at the view. "Nice view from here."

"Improving quirks...stretching them to the limit... all so gross. Flaunting your power like that." Kota said. His words caused Izuku to laughed slightly, as he settled himself on the ledge, looking out over the forest. "What?" He glared.

"This is a beautiful scene... this is what my quirk allows me to see." Izuku told him softly, Kota looked at him surprise. "I have boosted strength, yes, but that isn't the main part of my quirk, it's an extra so to speak. My quirk is less noticeable, people acted like I was quirkless for the most part of my life... expect heroes." He could see Kota's face darken. "And Villains." Kota couldn't hide the shock expression. He watched Izuku's back. "Heroes and Villains saw my potential, the Villains wanted to use me, the heroes wanted to protect me. I know who I would choose... your quirk... it is water hose. Your parents were the water horses."

"Did Mandalay tell you that?" Kota snarled.

"No. I guessed, I assumed as I knew Mandalay's sister, your mother. I met her once, never got to meet your dad though. They were cool heroes." Izuku muttered. "My quirk is Analysis, I can analyse people and locations. That's how I knew. I will tell you everyone views quirks differently. And Some heroes are nasty." Izuku stood up, leaving the curry next to where he sat. "But, your parents were good, so are the pussycats. I hope you'll see that one day, please don't blame them for what happened." Kota was speechless, Izuku turned his back and raised a hand in farewell as he walked away. "please be careful when you make your way back. And don't stay up too long, you'll catch a cold." Kota just watched him walked away, his clenched fists shaking slightly.

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