"Now, if you feel like you're going to be sick, tell me to stop. I don't care if you're my best friend. Don't you dare throw up in my baby." Reggie loved his car. Rightfully so, it was beautiful.

"Reggie, I'll be fine." You laughed, knowing he was serious. He gave you a stern look before pulling out of the school parking lot. The distance from the school to your house was short – a ten minute drive – but there was a grocery store between the two locations, and Reggie wanted to stop.

"I'm gonna go inside and pick up a few things. I'll be right back, stay in the car." Reggie patted your knee before getting out of the car.

As you played with the radio stations your phone vibrated.

Cheryl: I saw you leave with Reggie. Lovebirds couldn't wait until after school? Joking, of course. But seriously. ;)

You: Nothing like that. I'm sick, and he's taking me home. No choice.

Cheryl: I'm sure you left on your own free will. There can only be so many longing looks and cute moments before the two of you give in. You know it. I know it. The entire school knows it. Something's there.

You: Go to class.

Rolling your eyes, you sent your reply before locking your phone. Right as you locked it, Reggie opened the door. Of course there were people that assumed you and Reggie were together. Sometimes, it even seemed like you were together to you. There were moments that made you wonder, that made you hope. Reggie walked you to your classes and met you outside of them right after the bell rang, even if it meant he had to rush from his last class on the other side of the school. On Valentine's Day, Reggie surprised you by filling your locker with small, heart-shaped balloons and taping little notes all over. You and Reggie had weekly movie nights at either his place or yours and he always let you choose the movie, even if it meant watching Dirty Dancing for the millionth time. Not to mention all the cuddling that goes down on those nights. It was hard not to have feelings for Reggie. He made it hard.

"What'd you get?" You asked as he placed the bag in the back with my backpack.

"You'll find out later." As he started the car you looked at him, admiring how the morning sun hit him. Reggie Mantle was a beautiful human being. "You're staring."

"I'm thinking." You turned your eyes towards your house as Reggie parked where you'd normally park your car. Before you could open the door yourself, Reggie reprimanded you for trying.

"Don't you dare!" He joked. With a smile on your face, you sat back and waited for Reggie to open your door for you.

Reggie took your hand and led you into your house, you both kicking your shoes off at the door. As you closed the door behind you, Reggie went into your kitchen to set down the groceries he bought.

"Are you going to tell me what you got now?" You asked, leaning your head against his back as he began unpacking everything.

"I'm making you soup." He turned around, pulling you closely before placing his head on top of yours.

It was an unknown fact that Reggie liked to cook. Was he a master chef? No. Could he cook? Absolutely. Sometimes Reggie would come over and just want to cook together.

"Go lay down." Reggie said, pulling away from you. You turned away from him and jumped up on the kitchen counter. Reggie shook his head at you before coming to stand between your legs. In this position, it made you just as tall as he was, allowing you to look him straight in the eyes without having to stare upwards.

"Or, I could sit right here and wait."

"Don't be difficult." He gave you a strict look.

Reggie pulled you off the counter and scooped you up in his arms. He sat you down on the couch and grabbed a blanket off the arm of the couch. Once he was content with how he'd set you up, he walked back to my kitchen.

IMAGINES ▹ ROSS BUTLERWhere stories live. Discover now