Chapter Twenty Seven - The Feast

Start from the beginning

"But you heard the announcement, the supplies are personal depending on each District. We just need to get in there, grab District Twelve's and run away. We'll be fine." I said, but I didn't feel so sure. Grayson had a point. Feasts were brutal and usually very bloody. And blood generally meant bad things...most of the time. And in this case, it generally meant death or pain. Perhaps even both. Grayson looked at me, an eyebrow raised yet again.

"So are you saying that we're just going to go there, run out into the open and see what happens?" He asked, his eyebrows now furrowed.

"Pretty much." I answered. Grayson laughed slightly and pulled me closer to him, burying his head into the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath on the exposed skin, which sent odd tingles up and down my spine. I didn't quite know what was happening with the two of us, but whatever it was, I knew it was all going to end in tears and bloodshed.


I was shaken awake by Grayson, who was already up and moving on his hands and knees, despite the fact it was still quite dark. He obviously wanted to get down to the Cornucopia as early as possible. As I heaved myself up, Grayson rummaged around in both of our backpacks.

"What food have we actually got?" He asked as he tipped his rucksack completely upside down. Only a pile of knives fell out of it, landing with a small cacophony of clinks and the sound of metal upon earth and metal upon metal.

I stretched and yawned, before running a finger through my plait, feeling Grayson's feather. My hand then fell down to my ribbon as I watched Grayson put the knives back into his backpack, rolling back on forth on the balls of his feet.

"I think I've got a can of beef stew in my pack, but that will be about it." I answered, climbing out of the sleeping bag and rolling it back up. Grayson had already poured the contents of my backpack onto the floor and eventually, a small can fell out. He let out a mall cry of triumph, before putting all my stuff back into my pack and sitting down fully. I put the sleeping bag away as Grayson opened the can. He ate half quickly then handed me the can. I took it and finished it off. We then both took a drink of water, before slinging out backpacks onto our backs. I put my quiver on over the top and picked up my bow, turning to face Grayson.

"Ready to go to the Cornucopia?" Grayson asked, but he didn't seem incredibly confident. I didn't either, but I guessed I had no choice in this. Besides, we had run out of supplies and it wouldn't be too long before we would be in dire need of food and water. We knew what it was like to starve and it was never altogether pleasant. However, we were used to starving so we could go longer than, say the Careers, if we had to. Starving was almost second nature to people from District 12.

"Let's go, lead the way." I replied, nodding slightly. My head felt so much better now. It didn't hurt to move it around, but if I touched it, it wasn't quite so good.

Grayson nodded and started to walk in the direction of the Cornucopia. I didn't know how he knew, seeing as it was still dark, but he seemed confident enough for me to follow him. It felt tense as we walked. We were both silent, unless we were informing each other of a protruding branch or a small hole in the ground. The sky was beginning to get lighter and we were almost at the Cornucopia, because we had reached the valley that lead up to the edge of the forest.

We clambered up the steep valley until we got to the edge of the forest. We both looked through the bushes and trees and saw the wide, grassy plain. The golden horn glinted in the sunlight and in front of it were four, small-ish piles of supplies. In front of each pile was a little sign with the number of each District in silver lettering. I spotted the number '12' and pointed it out to Grayson. He nodded.

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