Part 2

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Author's note: Try listening to track No. 9 from " The New World" Soundtrack by James Horner called "Rolfe Proposes" While reading this chapter.

The light of the day was all but gone now.

The tall chestnut and elm trees further snubbed out the waning glory of the sun.

A gentle breeze rustled through their green leaves, carrying away with it a soft scent.

The breeze swirled around until it sought out the lone person quietly walking down the soft dirt trail that cut through the long thicket.

As he walked down the wooded trail that led to home, Shawn took in a deep breath through his nostrils and exhaled with a sigh.

The mild scent of chestnut and elm chased away the lingering pungency of salty ocean brine from Shawn's senses. The dirt was soft but firm under the soles of his boots as he walked down the trail.

Now, one might wonder if it were such a good idea to be walking down a wooded trail with night fast approaching whilst being three and a half months pregnant and all alone.

But for Shawn, he knew that any moment now, things would not be so dark or so lonely a trek.


Shawn only had to walk a few more steps before the encroaching darkness was chased away by soft, golden light.

The young man felt whatever negativity concerning the past and his current condition instantly evaporate from him like morning dew against a summer sun and he paused to take in the sight that seemed to come straight out of a wonderful dream.

The dirt path made a smooth, straight line that stretched out and led towards a distant structure at the very end.

On either side of the path stood oak trees planted in neat rows perfectly parallel to the path and equally spaced apart from each other.

The source of the golden light resided in each of these trees.

Hanging from a chain on one of the lower branches of each tree was a gorgeous lantern made of clear glass and made to look rusty metal shaped like a Moroccan star.

Shawn being Shawn, he'd only had to walk this path once to get everything down.

Ten lanterns hung to each tree that hugged the edge of the path making it a grand total of twenty lights to guide the way to home.

Now, this took care of the issue of darkness but the issue of long lonely walk had not yet been rectified.

But, as he walked Shawn knew that it would be soon enough.

He'd just walked passed the first six lanterns when a loud, foreign noise broke through the quietness of the wooded path.

" WOOF!"

Shawn looked further down the trail and felt a small, affectionate smiles spread across his face as he spotted his unofficial " Body Guard" fast approaching from further down the trail.

Large paws flew over the dirt, sending some loose bit flying as a big German Shepherd dog ran fast towards Shawn.

The light from the lanterns bounced off of the dog's long, completely snow white fur, making the animal seem to glow with an almost ethereal light as he gracefully glided past.

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