Chapter Eight

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Months past, the girl that was once feared by people was now among them. Though she still couldn't fully be accepted or trusted but it was something, the Guardian now known as Misaki was living a normal human life,

“Misaki! Stand up straight!”

Or so it seemed. Since she was returned to the village, she had to be taken care of by a wealthy family, it was so called 'the best place for her to learn' as Hashirama stated, but Misaki didn't like it. Not one bit.

Madara had no say as to where she was to go, he was close to suggesting that she lived within the village like everyone else but no one was even considering that idea for the poor girl, she was an outcast to the village and didn't know why.

“Misaki! Hold your head high! You must show your elegance when at this festival!”

The former guardian grumbled under her breath and did as she was told, she hated this, and saw no reason for any of this, she once questioned these methods but was only told that it was a festival between another clan and theirs; an important clan...The Uchiha's.

“Now if you are somehow presented to the clan leader I want you to smile and bow your head in respect. Do it child!

The old lady spat at the poor girl, and to the best of her abilities without lashing out she gave a smile and bowed her head, it did not please the old woman, she instead just scowled at Misaki.

“Hmph. I've seen fish smile better than you.”

Misaki sighed yet once more close to attacking this old woman, but what was next said brought joy to her ears.

“You are free to go Misaki.”

And with that she was out of there like a lighting speed kunai.

It was only a day before the festival that was to be held in the Uchiha's compound, but Misaki had no care, she would rather be out in the courtyard with the trees, watching them and caring for plants was her past time, but the peace did not last long before she was called yet again by the old hag that ruined her life and made it misery.

The day went past with such a speed the former guardian did not realize the time until one of her so called 'sister' came to retrieve her,

“Misaki! We have to go!”

Misaki pursed her lips as she stared down at the mask she was found with, it was the only link she had to the past that she wished to remember. Without a moments noticed she took the mask and went with her 'sister' to the carriage,

“You're taking that ugly thing?”

Her 'sister' commented, the former guardian's real side glared at the 'sister'.

“I did not want to leave it at home, where it was in reach of the hag.”

Misaki muttered back making the 'sister' laugh with glee,

“Typical! Misaki she's only there to help you remember what your life was like back in our childhood.”

Misaki grunted, all liars. They say she was apart of the family in the past and had taken a head injury so she couldn't remember a thing, but the girl was wiser than they thought, it was obvious that she was neither related to the sister's nor the family in general, as there was no one with green eyes and black hair, she thought it was just a gene falter at first but then she realized how much of an outcast she felt within the walls of that house. Completely alone.

They arrived within the hour of leaving, they were met by their father, the clan leader, who was talking to some elder's of the Uchiha clan,

“These are your daughters?”

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