Chapter Four

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Look Closely

The Guardian and Madara wondered through the forest, when suddenly a spirit came out in it's form of a two tailed fox, Madara was startled by the creature and got into a defensive stance. The Guardian put her hand up in front of Madara, in a way that said don't.

“See? This human cannot be trusted, dear Guardian. One animal jumps out from somewhere and he'll attack it.”

With a growl the Guardian responded,

“You can't make that assumption if you scare him like that.”

Madara frowned, as he was not one to jump easily. But the Guardian continued to speak before Madara could have any words.

“Now flee. Do not bother this human.”

With that the fox ran off without another word and the Guardian moved on, Madara was confused,

“Why are you defending me?”

With a roll of her eyes underneath the mask, the Guardian didn't respond until she hit her next destination. An open area.

“You have yet to tell me your name. Human.”

The women spoke not answering the previous question, though Madara had also dismissed it. For a moment or two Madara hesitated not knowing whether to tell this Guardian his name, but in the end and being a man he had decided to test the boundaries.

“I don't think I should tell you my name...”

With a twitch the Guardian turned to Madara, she was not one to be fooled around with. As many people found out the hard way,

“You are in my domain. I should know your name. Unless you want to be known as...Behemoth around here. It's absurd if you are planning on testing my patience. It is already running thin as you humans would say.”

The guardian was right, but Madara's stubbornness was greater then her impatience, when thinking about it he rather not be known as 'Behemoth' in these woods as it would not be on the best of starts, not that he already was in the first place.

“Behemoth, that's a bit much don't you think? I mean all I've done is not tell you my name.”

And so the Guardian's patience grew thinner,

“You humans are all the same. Experimenting with the boundaries. I don't see why you have to test across the line that is set before you-”

She trailed off only for a green light to pass by her, it was a spirit that only she could hear. The light floated between the two of them, just floating, not moving. Madara was staring at the light in awe, though he didn't show the expression on his face, he was still surprised.

“What is that?”

He asked finally taking his eyes off the light to look to the mask of the Guardian, the Guardian was listening only to the spirit ignoring Madara at first when finally she stared back to the man before her.

“It is a young spirit. It cannot properly take form of anything. It has yet to gain it's form. For now, only I can hear it. It's telling me some information. About what it's heard of the past time.”

Was all she stated, Madara stood there for a moment giving her a look that said 'And?' then finally spoke to her asking her as to what the spirit said to her. With a smirk the Guardian spoke,

“The spirit may be young but can know much information. By sensing. Connections with people and their family and such. By chance, the spirit came across the second man that was with you some days before. It sensed all what I needed to know, Madara Uchiha.”

The Forest Guardian // Madara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now