Divergent Series Quotes

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- Grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you. (Insurgent)

- Tonight I will be honest, and selfless, and brave, divergent.

-She was like a machine she was cold and emotionless, bound by logic alone. And I broker her. I broke her!

- I am dauntless and I am no stranger to fear.

- I suppose everything is bound to look different when you're not on your way to die.

- Telling me the time is a small act of betrayal, and therefore an ordinary act of bravery. It is maybe the first time I have ever seen Peter be truly dauntless.

- I read somewhere once that crying defies scientific explanation. Tears are only meant to lubricate the eyes. There is no real reason for tear glands to overproduce at the behest of emotion. I think we cry to release the animal parts of us without losing our humanity. Because inside me is a beast that snarls and growls towards freedom, towards Tobias, and above all towards life. And as hard as I try I cannot kill it, so I sob into my hands instead.

- I don't care what she says, this isn't a safe room. There are no safe rooms, no safe truths, no safe secrets to tell.

- The free moments always have to end.

- I am not in order I am in constant disarray.

- You're the one who has to live with your choice. Everyone else will get over it, move on, but you never will.

I'm so sorry guys I thought I had at least a few quotes from Divergent and Allegiant, but I guess I was wrong. I will try to add some next time I read them.
Again I'm really sorry.

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