"Well dad since she is having trouble telling me the truth maybe you can enlighten us all on the last thirty plus years of lies called our life" I said roughly to my father. 

"Um well it is a long story" my father nervously spit out as he nervously ran his hand through his ruffled hair.  Looking closely I could see the worry and exhaustion in my fathers eyes, which almost concerned me.  Almost.

"And apparently, we have nothing but time, so do tell me.  Why all of this elaborate coverup" I said sarcastically glancing around at everyone why I waved my hands dramatically in the air.

My patience was running thin and I was about to lose my temper when my mother's sob stopped me.

"It's her fault that this is even happening" my mother said as she pointed towards Emory with tears falling down her cheeks. 

I could see my mother falling to pieces as she pointed towards my mate as if she had caused all of this herself.  Looking at Emory I could see the shock and confusion on her face that was probably on mine as well.

"How is this Emory's fault" I questioned my mother.

"She would not leave him alone, she caused this" my mother screamed.  It was evident that she was losing control and glancing at my father who I saw was moving closer to try to calm her down. 

"She deserved to find her mate, did she not?" I asked my mother, who was shaking her head no before I even finished my question.

Raising her voice and looking me straight in my eyes my mother continued with her explanation.

"Ethan you're not understanding, you might never truly understand the sacrifices we made to protect you as the future King" she yelled.

"I am trying to understand but you're not really telling me anything.  How were you protecting me from something that I never even knew was mine" I questioned her.

"He was always going to try to kill you Ethan, so we made a deal with him in order to save you, but his demands never went away.  We figured out that he was never going to be satisfied and had to try to kill him ourselves but then Emory stepped in and escalated the entire situation with her demands" my mother spit out and once it was all out she collapsed into my father's arms into a sobbing mess.

Turning toward my dad and capturing his eyes, I asked him about Ian.

"So, Ian, my uncle, your brother wanted me dead" I asked him and watched as he nodded in confirmation.

"But it's not that simple Ethan" my dad replied.

"How about you enlighten me on how it even got to that point.  Are you not still the King?" I asked him sarcastically.  I was beyond confused on how they could have just handed all of this over and hidden everything.

"He always was the brother that wanted what everyone else had.  He wanted the Kingdom for himself but as lineage goes he was not even in line for it.  I was first born and then there Isla that was born after me then Ian.  Ian has never shown an ounce of maturity that was needed to rule a kingdom and he has never wanted to play fair either when it came to what he believed he was owed" my father stated. 

Rolling this over in my brain I still had so many questions as to why my father had allowed all of this to take place.

"But why let him take everything away from you, from us" I questioned.

"Because I thought this was the best way to protect my family.  He never stopped creating scandal and after a while I just wanted away from it.  You see Ethan we all become overwhelmed and want to run.  Ian gave me that chance to live like a normal person and I thought I was protecting my family in the process.  When Emory figured it all out we had already been warned by Fiona that our time was running out and that we would have to all transition soon.  We wanted to tell you everything but as usual Ian did what he always does and becomes a loose cannon" my father stated.

"But what are you protecting us from" I asked.

"Ian wants to be king, he will stop at nothing to get to the throne.  He will even kill you Ethan to get there.  So, all of this moving away and pretending we were someone else was to protect you from Ian" my dad said as he sat there with his eyes never leaving mine and his body straight as he rubbed my mother's back as she continued to cry.

"Ok say I buy into he wanted to kill me, why just me when he could just kill you and Isla to ascend the throne" I asked my father pointily.

"Because it does not work that way.  I am king and you are my first-born son, who is in line to take over the Kingdom when I either die or step down.  He basically was prepared to kill everyone and over time his schemes and threats just got exhausting" he continued sadly.

Raising his hand to stop me from responding.

"Son, I just was not ready to order the execution of my little brother, but now that I see how my poor choices have affected my family, I feel it's time to take control of the situation".

I did not have to see what my father was saying as much as I heard the meaning to his words. 

"Dad, what do you mean" I questioned him.  In my soul I knew what he was saying but still I had so many questions as to how Ian manipulated my father, the King to give everything up and run.

"What I am saying Ethan, is that its time I handle my brother and restore my family to their rightful home"  my father stated lowly.


If you like it hit the star please. I want to thank everyone for hanging in there with me from my short writing vacation lol.

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