Some people called friends

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A/N remember this is unedited so fuck off. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I've been having a lot of fun writing. Please comment what you think.

Minx had grabbed a grey sweater, her black purse, put her hair in braids and followed Krism.

Krism had led her to behind the mansion and into a woodsy like area. There were very old looking

trees that were rather large, like they were looking over them. Minx felt out of place. To small and

meek to be in a place like this.

"Hey guys!" Krism began to jump, bouncing her pony tail along with the movement. Her hand

swayed up in the air. A bunch of sleeping bags were set up and people were sitting on logs. There

were three girls, one with red hair, one with wavy light brown hair and a flower crown, and one

with dark brown hair and a top hat. There were five guys, one with dirty blonde hair who had his


around the girl with the flower crown, another had brown hair and was talking to a guy with a

beard and Cookie Monster pajamas, one guy had black hair and a quiff and glasses, and the last

one had a strange white mask with a poker face drawing on it.

"Krism!" Everybody yelled simultaneously. It all felt new to her. She never really had friends. The

girl with red hair got up and hugged Krism.

"Oh yeah and guys, this is Minx, she's my new room mate." Krism stepped to the side to reveal

Minx who smiled shyly.

"Make her feel welcomed." Krism went to take a seat in between the red head and the girl with the

top hat. "You can sit in between Ohm and Ken."

She pointed to the tall and a bit lanky brown haired guy and the one with Cookie Monster pants

and a weird hat. Minx felt strange sitting next to everyone.

"Let's go in a circle and tell our names and why your here." Krism said. Minx froze.

"What if you don't know why your here?"

"You should figure it out." Krism stood from the log.

"Hi my name is Krism and I'm here because I am extremely bipolar." These people were definitely

odd. So Minx was sent to this boarding school. Krism sat back down quickly. The girl with red hair

and glasses stood up.

"I'm Red and I'm apparently horribly mean." The girl with the top hat and monocle stood up.

"Ello my name is Ziegs and I am psychic." The girl with the flower crown stood up Minx happily.

"Hi I'm Marzia and I suffer from memory loss." The guy next to Marzia stood up.

"I'm Felix but you can call me Pewds," he had a thick Swedish accent, "I have ADHD" The guy with

the black hair and glasses stood up.

"Hi my names Mark and I have anger issues." The guy with the hat stood up next to

"I'm Ken and I am suicidal." They skipped over me so everyone before me could go. The guy with

brown hair next to me stood.

"I'm Ohm and I am skitzofranic." Then the guy with the mask stood up.

"I'm Ryan but I prefer Cry, and I have multiple personality syndrome." After that everyone looked

at Minx. She stood up carefully.

"Uh yeah so my name is Minx and I also have multiple personality syndrome and Im suicidal."

"Hm, so you asked me if you didn't know why you were here, so your parents never tolled you?"

Krism asked, her personality getting the best of her. Minx looked down nervously before feeling

someone rap their arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Minxy." Ohm said. She turned to him to catch him smiling happily.

"Yeah, were all friends here." Marzia smiled at her.

"I'm glad to see we are all getting along." Krism said. Ken looked at his lap.

"Don't bring it up." Pewds growled through gritted teeth.

"Shut up!" Minx squeaked and hunched over and Ohm let go of Minx's shoulder.

"Let's just all calm down before something goes wrong." Ziegs sighed standing up. Now her, Krism

and Pewds were standing. Mark stood.

"Oh, like you have anything to say!" Mark has anger issues. Ohm leaned over to Minx's ear.

"I have to go he's talking to me." And Ohm walked slowly in the darkness of the woods,

disappearing. Marzia put her hands on Felix's shoulder, but he pushed her off. She fell to the

ground and Red ran up to her.

"You idiot!" She yelled. Ken looked scared and nervous. His hands twitched. Suicidal. To Minx's

left was Cry, who had stayed quiet the whole time. Cry turned to her and they made as much eye

contact as they could due to his mask. She stood up and walked some where were she could be


After several minutes of walking Minx had made it to an open field. Her child like instincts kicked

in making run around yelling and laughing uncontrollably. She collapsed on the ground without a


"These people are a bit overwhelming." She thought out loud.

"Yeah, but they mean well." She froze, for probably the third time today. Minx put her arms out in

front of her and stood. All she saw was a guy with brown hair, a porcelain white mask, and was

wearing a striped sweater under a green sweat shirt.


"I heard you having fun without me." She stared blankly at him, the moment felt so serial. No one

had ever gone through the trouble of looking for her.

"Don't worry, Pewds and Marzia made up and are looking for Ohm. Mark and Krism are taking

there medication and Red is watching over Ken."

"And no one went for you?"

"No one went for you either." She heard the smirk under his mask.

"How's about we dance." Her brain clicked. That's how her father said that. Minx physically shook

the thought away.

"You okay, Minx?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good." Cry roughly grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the middle of the field. The dance was

slow, but Minx was enjoying it. Her head rested on his shoulder in a lovely manner. This was all so

new. It felt like a dream. God she hoped it wasn't.

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