Someone Whos Insane

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A/N Alright guys here's the second chapter I'm uploading today. I still have a

bunch more to upload. Keep reading to see what comes next.

A boy and a girl stood, drenched in crimson blood holding a sword and a gun

covered in blood. Not their blood. One had on a mask, the other purple streaks

now dark ended by the blood soaking it. Her face was smeared with blood and

so was his mask. Michelle's hair was a mess and had blood stains in it. Michelle

smiled widely at the mess of bodies before holding her head.

"Uh!" Minx cried out standing up. Her eyes were light purple again. Mad stared

at her before laughing at Minx. He through his head back and opened his

mouth. You could only see half of it because the mask had cracked straight

down the middle. Minx slowly rubbed her tired eyes before getting used to the

new lights. Blood poured out of her eye.

"Oh my." Bodies littered the floor making her want to cry out in disgust. Her

hand flew to her mouth. She wanted to vomit at the sight. The air was murky

and smelled of death, just like on the ship. Mad abruptly stopped laughing and

there eyes locked. Slowly he back up. A tear rolled down his cheek.

"No." He whimpered backing up. His back hit the wall and he slid down holding

his broken mask up to his face.

"Hello?" Police. Minx looked over and Cry stood up. They locked eyes again and

she could see him crying. He dropped his mask and it broke into smaller pieces

on the ground.

"There in here."

"Minx." Cry took a step to her but she just stopped him with her hand.



"Go!" Something pounded on he door making Cry bolt out the window and leave.

The door busted open and five policemen stood there with guns pointed at her.

They stared in disbelief at the sight.

"Sir, were gonna need back up."



Two weeks later


Cry stared at the screen. News had popped up labeled 'Bloody Massacre.' It

talked about a murder massacre that had happened two weeks ago. A young

girl by the age of fifteen killed 100 men and woman at a castle. She was

apparently the princess and suffers from multiple personality syndrome. She is

now in Ballacks Insane Asylum. He stared intently at it, squinting. There was a

picture of a girl in a straight jacket sitting in a grey room. She had brown hair

in pig tails and purple bangs hanging in front of her face. Cry took off his

mask and slammed his head on the desk crying. His lights were dimmed and he

was dying on the inside. Poor Minx. He had to get her out. Away from the crazy

people. She wasn't crazy. They weren't crazy.

A school of Misfits and someone named MinxWhere stories live. Discover now