Someone named Mink

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Minx beathed out an unsteady breath as she stared out into the ocean. The pure blue water

shimmering below there feet. Just out of reach. She held onto the open door in the plane. Everyone

was still getting ready, bustling around. Minx just stared out into the depths of the ocean. Why

was life so cruel to those who deserve better. Poor Chilled, poor her.

"Guys." Minx turned around and felt a shove. She stumbled back. Heels off the plat form. Lizzie

turned around just in time to see Minx falling off the plane.

"Minx!" Lizzie yelled.

"Do not pull your parachute it'll get-" Lizzie ran off into the planes front.

"Adam!" Lizzie had tears in her eyes. "I backed up and Minx fell off the plane."

"She what?!" Chilled dropped his vest.

"I tolled her not to open her parachute."

"Good." Adam said. "It would make her sink in the water."

"Minx?!" Chilled ran out and looked out the plane and at Minx.

Minx didn't catch what Lizzie had said after not opening her parachute. She stared up, scared of

dying, scared of falling. What and unlucky girl. As she looked up Chilled stared down at her. She

crumbled in and felt her back hit the icy cool water. It sent shivers up her spine. Horrible horrible

shivers. There was a splash back and it snuck over her pale face, enveloping her small figure before

pushing into the water. The plane was out of sight under water and all she could see was the bright

shinning sun heating the water. Just as soon as nirvana came it vanished. The sun was blocked

confusing her and throwing her out of her trance. The unlucky girl pushed herself up the the

surface and smacked herself on something wooden and hard. Gasping for air she swam to the

other side singing were it ended. Once she got up she took a long swig of the air. It was misty and

tasted of smoke. Her hands clutched the side of what looked like a boat. There was a ladder on the

side so with all her left over strength she pulled herself up. Big mistake. One step and swords were

pointed at her in all directions. She looked around, big sails, flags. Pirates. One sword pressed her

neck harshly.

"Why helloooooo. What's her name." The guy at the end of the sword spoke roughly. He had brown

hair and a big murderous grin. She must have looked horrible. Wet and sopping in that weird


Minx knew

in the back of her mind what they liked, big boobs and confidence. I mean she was only a size B but

that will do. She leaned forward so her neck rested on the shiny object.

"Minx, Mangaminx." She matched his smile and tried to keep calm as the swords around her still

poked and prodded.

"We'll Minx." He winked. "I'm Captain Dlive." He drew away his sword and soon everyone

followed. He seemed only 18.

"By your outfit I could tell you flew?" He questioned. Minx looked down at her wet clothing.

"Nah just shooting. We won. Had to jump off, fell." Minx tried to give barely any details.

"We'll you've landed on the right ship for a gunman. Entoan, go fetch her some new clothing."

"Yes captain." Someone from the mass said. Minx left and followed Entoan. He was a 16 year old

with black hair and pale skin. Entoan was wearing a dirty outfit and seemed to fit the part of

errand boy. She followed him into the ship and through one of the many cabins. It was clean


"You can stay with us until we reach shore. Here's an out fit. I'll turn around." He quickly through

the outfit at her and turned on his heels. Minx unfolded the outfit and out on the first part, a

crimson red dress with a slit covered by red ruffles and a purple criss cross scarf around the waist

with little gold plates on it.

"Your lucky," Entaon blabbed, "Dlive has seemed to taken a liking to you."

"Eh, I wouldn't say that." Next was the white frilly collar and dark blue coat that reached her toes.

Lastly she put on a black hat and took the sword.

"You can turn around." Entoan turned and looked at her.

"Nice." Minx just smirked. She twirled the sword around before putting it in a hoop on the belt.

Minx's eyes hurt for a second before she realized what was happening she was already on the floor

screaming. Entoan jumped up off the bed and over to her.


"D-dont....." Before she could finish Entoan was out of the room looking for help. Minx grabbed at

her head furiously and felt the need to scoop her eyeballs out. The feeling of her finger nails

digging into her skull soothed her enough before she gave up. Her eyes were a pure black color and

her hair was pin straight and all purple.

"Hi Minx."

'Michelle finally let you out Mink?'

"Mhm it's my time to shine....."


"MINX ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Dlive burst through the door with a doctor and Entoan. They

stared at Minx who now looked different. She stood up and smiled at them.


"Uh." Dlive shook Minks hand. "What's going on?"

"Minx has multiple personality syndrome. I'm one of em."

"Nice to meet you."

"So whatta we doin?" Mink asked leaning in towards them.

"Up for a party?"

"Of course!"

A school of Misfits and someone named MinxWhere stories live. Discover now