Some Plan

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A/N This chapters really short but I just wanted to get it up. It's the fourth one before the break.

Minx sat in her cell tapping her foot. This was it. She was going to break out

and there was no going back. Her mind raced and it had to land on a thought of

Cry putting his coat over her shoulders. Wheres Discord?

"Minx?" She looked up to see Rich. He was standing in her cell with a concerned


"Your not aloud in here."

"No I'm not."

"And neither am I." Rich stepped to the side to reveal a purple haired maniac

smiling next to him while holding a gun to the others head. That's when she

realized the straight jacket Discord was in yesterday was now on Rich.

"Come on. Everyone is waiting for you." Minx jumped up as Rich was pushed

into her seat. They ran out, but not before Discord locked the cell.




Cry through his black jacket on with a loud sigh.

"What is it?" Russ asked annoyed with Cry's behavior. He pushed random

buttons on the controller.

"I'm going to get Minx." Mark, Marzia, and Pewds looked up at him with

confused eyes.

"She's in an asylu.?" Marzia said pulling on Felix's arm.


"Your going to break her out?" Mark asked.


"I'm coming!" Felix jumped up pumping his fist in the air. Mark laughed.

"Me too."

"I guess if you guys are....." Marzia looked at Cry sheepishly. Russ glanced up.

"Try not to end up in jail."

A school of Misfits and someone named MinxWhere stories live. Discover now