Some Battle

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The group tip toed out of the hallway and to the elevator. Everyone let out a

loud breath.

"What floor?" Minx wondered glancing at the group as they entered the tight

space. Shy slumped over covering her eyes with her brown hair. Kitty rested

her palms on the elevator railing and leaned on the heels of her feet. Shadow

was tapping her foot excitedly on the carpeted ground.

"Hm...." She hummed a shallow tune. "Mm mhm mm mhm mm mhm mm mhm."

Kitty lay splat on the floor closing her eyes. KillerX had her arms crossed and

was standing in front of Discord who murmured and twitched to himself.

"3." Answered Shy making everyone glance at her. An awkward silence fell and

Minx felt herself wishing for annoying elevator music. The only thing heard

now was Shadows tune.

"Mm mhm mm mhm mm mhm mm mhm." She kept up the hum.

"Dun dundun dun dundun dun dundun dun dundundun." With her eyes closed

Kitty spoke a close tune using a different sound. After that KillerX began to tap

a four fourths beat on the elevator floor with her bare feet. Minx stared in

wonder for a minute before Discord started off the first line.

"The bass. The rock. The mic. The treble. I like my coffee black, just like my

metal." It sounded like a screamo type song she had heard before.

"The bass. The rock. The mic. The treble. I like my coffee black just like my

metal." The girls still held the songs beat with excited faces.


"I can't wait for you to knock me up!" The group, excluding Minx of course,

yelled, cheering themselves on.

"In a minute, minute." Shadow sang. "In a fuckin minute."

"I can't wait for you to knock me up." The group repeated.

"In a minute, minute." Kitty sang, "in a second." The doors slowly opened and

everyone became quiet, turning to the door. Guards stood with guns at them,

point blank.

"Shit." Was all Minx could murmur. Her mind was consumed as her eyes

began to turn red. It flashed brightly before her hair began to glow. She lunged

at the one in front of her. Her hands rapped around his neck, snapping it, before

he fell onto the ground with a thud. KillerX slid next to her and elbowed one in

the gut. The wind was knocked out of him making him keel over. She pulled

two knives from somewhere behind her back and quickly sliced his stomach

making an X.

"I can't wait for you to shut me up, and make me" KillerX sung in a harsh voice

she had never heard before. Her bright red eyes glowed like Minx's as she

killed. Blonde and red pig tails swung about as Kitty gave a round house kick to

a guard. He smashed into the wall leaving him unconscious. She seemed like a

totally new person, laughing and smiling. Even after the guy was rendered

dead she bashed his head in the wall multiple times.

"Hip like bad ass!"

Red hair dashed by her. With harsh hands, Shadow punched a guys face in and

kicked him in his sweet spot. He let out a loud groan making Shadow punch

him even more. Uh.

"I can't wait for you to shut me up."

Shy was next. Instead of being her usual timid and shy, orange self. She had

turned into her green side. She had madness in her eyes. More guards came in

but she kept them at bay with her fists.

"Shut it up!" Shy screamed. Discord was last to enter. He twitched and cracked

his neck before closely listening to the sound of foot steps. He pointed the gun

straight between a guys eyes. Bang. The pistol shot a bullet through the mans

brain. Discord swiveled through using his skinny body.

"I can't wait for you to shut me up."

Michelle carried on killing anything in front of her path. Everyone was dead

now. The group fell down in a heap.

"The door."

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