Bleeding Blue

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Reynas POV

"Thalia!" I screamed as I sprinted across the battlefield. I caught her as she fell sliding on my knees to catch her feeling the grimy dirt rip and shred the knees in my uniform. It was against the rules but when you see your only friend in the army fall down obviously wounded you don't think of consequences.

I shook her my ears ringing because of the loud gunfire and explosions I think I was screaming for help but I just tried to get her to wake up. Dark blue blood soaked my fingers as I cradled her limp body in my arms.

"Please wake up.... please you're all I have left Thalia please wake up." I shook as tears streamed down my face not noticing the vibrancy of the color of her blood. Dirt covered her face as her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths the only indication she was still alive.

Someone shot towards us and I dragged her quickly to a trench and laid her down. I brushed her short hair out of her eyes and felt for a fever. I used the last of my water and rinsed her face off cooling her heated body down.

Slinging her over my shoulder and crawled through the trenches and got her to the medical tent. Will rushed over and said something I still can't recall to this day. He took her limp body from my arms and put her on a cot.

I only had one thing left to do I grabbed my gun and got back into my position. That day I saw more people that I knew die than I ever have in my whole life.

I bolted up from where I sat on my bed. Sweat dropped down my face as I caught back up with my heart rate. I looked over in my barracks and  expected to still see her there laying there unscathed and unharmed. But I was met with the small desk I had for planning.

Since that day she had been sent home with inoperable injuries she'd have a limp forever and had caused her to have vision problems due to the large concussion she suffered.

I had also been upgraded to Command Sargent Major. She left four years ago but I still feel the presence of her. We were close, probably too close I forgot at that time that I wasn't supposed to get close to anyone anymore. I ignored the aching feeling and got close with her anyways. Now she haunts my dreams.

I never thought about her blood much but it always made me curious. What did she do that made it so dark, so impure? She seemed like such a good person, someone that would cry at a movie where the dog died. How could someone so innocent and sweet end up with blood so dark?

Thalia's POV


She slapped me across the face again. "I said who the fuck do you think you are?!" She kicked me, hard I could barely see dark spots dancing dangerously in my vision. I hoped Jason would stay quiet, I hoped he wouldn't cry. I couldn't have him get hurt.

I saw my blood and I was stunned, it was getting darker and darker more progressively. It stained the floor the blue sticky substance draining from my face and arms.

It felt like time slowed as my mother beat me relentlessly. I thought about my blood about why is was so dark for an 11 year old. I had to steal to get by, all of my moms money went to her alcohol problems. I had never hurt anyone though, no one has ever shrunk under my hand if I raised it. No one ever will not if I ever lived past today no one will ever be afraid of me I will never be my mother.

I gasped and sat up straight pain shooting through my head instantly. I couldn't see even though the early lights of dawn should've been flickering through my curtains and I should've been able to see them I couldn't not since the accident. I can still hear the strong never breaking military trained girl crying over my body which wouldn't respond to me commanding it to move at the time but I could hear everything. Every whimper and sob ever plea for me to wake up. It still breaks me to think I made those beautiful life filled brown eyes cry. The pure slightly purpled blood girls eyes cry for the tears of a ruined person.

She never asked me about it, never got the chance I was helicoptered out as soon as Will saw the injuries. I never saw the long haired brown eyed girl again. Never again would I see the look she gave me after the small gestures I gave her. She looked at me like I put the stars in the sky and then rearranged them especially for her. I loved that look, it made me feel needed, it made me feel wanted. A feeling so alien to me I mistook it for hatred when I first met her back when we were both just privates.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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